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[–]1234abcdcba4321 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I was always considering seriously going trans, but it was reading this sub that finally got me to think that it's been enough. I realized how much I'd been glorifying being a woman despite how I'd consistently heard otherwise, but I've always thought that stuff like TiM being able to participate in female sports was going way too far. It's surprising how far propaganda goes, but I'm glad I didn't make a decision I would likely regret (I believe had I started it would be more difficult to stop than stopping beforehand, since there's a tendency to take the path of least resistance and getting all the supports for transwomen would be one of those). I'm a bit surprised by how quickly my opinion changed, but I had doubts the entire time and the reddit banning was what finally did it.