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[–]Anna_Nym 24 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 0 fun25 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is my first post because peaking has been a slow process for me from being hella Woke, and I still consider myself a trans ally at heart. But the attempted take down of Jesse Singal's Atlantic article on detransitioners caused me to get so confused because the discourse around it seemed so unrelated to what was actually in the article. This in turn caused me to pay a lot more attention to what the discourse was. And it was so, so not the trans advocacy I knew from my college days, in which no one considered transvestism to be the same thing as transsexuality (because yes, I'm old enough for that to have been the desired language) and no transsexual denied the reality of biological sex.

And I want trans people to have bodily autonomy and employment and happiness, but there ARE conflicts in rights. Women should be able to advocate for our needs without being threatened with rape or other forms of violence. We should have a say in whether so-called gender inclusive language is ACTUALLY inclusive (because "menstruators" IS hella dehumanizing). And biological sex is real and matters, and there is no way to talk about sexism without preserving language about sex.

I think it's been a 2 or 3 year journey for me to get to the point where I could admit that what I thought was fringe stuff that no one really advocated for (like cotton ceiling) had actually become representative of the movement. This is leading to some peak Lefting as well (along with other things).

I'm glad to find you all. It's nice to be able to say explicitly that when push comes to shove, I believe trans women are trans women, trans men are trans men, and non-binary identities have no coherent meaning to them. Also, that the whole co-opting of intersex identities is gross and incompatible with the Woke left's own principles.