🎵Gamergatey-Doo, where are you?
You got some loli to 'bate to!🎵
Gamergate was once well known as a watchdog for ethical breeches in video game journalistic ethics. They would contact the advertisers of any outlet found breaking basic journalistic ethics or shitting all over their readers in an attempt to make the outlets lose revenue. That soon fell to the wayside and nowadays, gamergate is a shell of its former self.
Instead of contacting advertisers, gamergate will now just whine and complain. When constantly blamed for the problems in this world, gamergate will fight back by jerking off to loli.
This sub is meant to point out journalistic ethic breeches in video game journalism, ask why gamergate still exists if they're not going to do anything useful, and point out the sickos in the movement.
1) This sub exists to point out the uselessness of modern day gamergate along with breeches of ethics in video game journalism.
2)Do not post loli. It is illegal in many states, breaks Saidit's NSFW rules, and will attract gamergaters.