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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Blanchard never said that HSTS is better than AGP -- he's said repeatedly that both are "valid" forms of transsexualism

That's because he is covering himself. The same way he came up with AAP as a counterpart despite not having much evidence for it.

I disagree with him on that because I believe there is no trans

Then you are transphobic and there is basically no point in me discussing this with you tbh. I'm trans, you can't change that.

When you base your sexuality around violating women's boundaries, eroding women's and LGB rights, and harming children, that's problematic and a sign that you have a severe porn or sex addiction and should seek help for that addiction.

Being trans has literally nothing to do with any of these things.

I know you don't actually care, but I've spent literally years in spaces like this trying to find compromises for my existence. I don't just take things without asking and I try to be aware of how I seem in public. The last thing I ever want is to make anybody afraid. I'm literally anxious just to be friends with cis women, because I can never know what they would think if I told them.

I support transition care for teens because I believe it is the right thing to do, it is what I would have wanted at that age, and because I am tired of kids being treated as parental property. That isn't harming children.

So how is my sexuality based on any of that?

Autoandrophobia is rooted in trauma from being abused by males at a young age. It doesn't make you a woman.

I'm a woman because other people think I am female, and that's what I've wanted from a young age. If abuse made me trans, then transness is my way of healing from it.

Fetishes that are not "vanilla" are actually pretty dangerous, and AGP is anything but vanilla. It's voyeuristic, paraphilic, and allows AGPs to publicly display their sexual fetishes in front of children and in women's safe spaces.

Then teach people to control themselves in public? I don't think being AGP is problematic, just someone's actions. The same way I feel about BDSM.

Trans spaces state that transition is the only way, regularly say toxic things like "that's not very c*s of you" and "if you think you might be trans you are", and actively try to prevent people from detransitioning

This has never been my experience, my friend group had someone consider detransitioning and we're still friends with her.

Detransitioners say things like "transition will never make you happy" or "hrt is poison". They do not support bodily autonomy.

so your point about r/detrans squashing trans positive content is false.

I used to be in the detrans server and it was explicitly disallowed to talk positively about HRT in any way and when I was questioning, I was only ever told by them to detransition. So lol. Get real.

You don't understand what it's like to transition and regret it. You have no idea how painful it is for a male detransitioner to feel like an emasculated soyboy because he transitioned.

It sucks, or do you think I don't hate my body every single day? Welcome to the club just in the other direction. I don't understand what it's like to transition and regret, but I regret even being born because I'm amab. We should be in this together, dysphoric people as one, but we're not.

The detrans wave is starting, and more and more people are realizing that lifelong medicalization for a sense of identity isn't worth it.

Then do what you want with your own lives? And fuck out of mine. It's worth it to me and many others and that's our choice.

I'm not asking to control you -- I'm asking that you stop controlling us. Stop invading women's spaces and telling women to let their guard down.

For years I've avoided public bathrooms because I didn't want to get clocked by anyone even though that hasn't happened in years. You know who dragged me in? Cis women friends of mine. Yeah it's important to not barge in without anything thought but ultimately, I live life as a woman, the only people who think otherwise are on the Internet, so I'm going to use spaces where it's clear I'm allowed or where I can be stealth.

Stop invading LGB spaces and telling us that same-sex attraction is bigoted.

Many trans people are also LGB. And I DO tell off people who pressure others into dating them. However I do think it's transphobic if someone is both attracted to a trans person AND won't date them because they're trans. People need to clarify that.

Also lol, GC doesn't have any control? Your queen's tweet manifesto has been cited in laws restricting trans healthcare in the United States, Keira Bell's case basically stopped new prescriptions from tavistock until it was appealed. A trans woman in Texas was assaulted because of all the rhetoric that trans people are inherently unsafe, inherently dangerous, groomers, etc. You have had a part in that.

Maybe you would be heard more and would get less pushback if you weren't actually trying to stop people from transitioning. Like do you know what lizards being painted on walls by corporations would mean for me? It would mean I'm either dead or can't access HRT anymore, and I will gladly fight against that.

You've said you don't believe in trans. How can I take that except as a direct threat to my way of being and living? I believe in detransitioners, but I will not let you or anyone take that away, sorry.

[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I support transition care for teens because I believe it is the right thing to do, it is what I would have wanted at that age, and because I am tired of kids being treated as parental property. That isn't harming children.

This is worth breaking down into its component parts.

I support transition care for teens because I believe it is the right thing to do,

Why is it the right thing to do? Please list reasons.

I support transition care for teens because it is what I would have wanted at that age

Yet when I say that this is is the case for you and other adult males who have "transitioned," you take umbrage.

I support transition care for teens because I am tired of kids being treated as parental property.

I agree that children and teens are not the property of their parents, and shouldn't be treated as such. But it seems to me that many of the parents who have "transitioned" their children have treated their kids as their property. And also as their pet "projects," show ponies, cash cows, claims to fame, pawns in their own psychodramas, props used to get themselves attention and applause, and mouthpieces. Seems to me children and youngsters like Kai Shappley and Jazz Jennings have been used, exploited, manipulated and controlled by their parents just much as Edgar Bergen once did to Charlie McCarthy.

But again, why do you think you personally know best about the medical interventions other people's children should receive? Why are you qualified to dictate what happens to other people's kids? Do you have any expertise or experience at all in child and adolescent development? How many children have you raised or had a hand in raising? Have you ever done any childcare? Been a Big Brother or Big Sister? A tutor? A mentor? Had a regular babysitting gig?

There are many adults with all sorts of psychiatric, health and social problems that younger generations of kids today are grappling with. But I don't know of any other situation where adults who experienced a particular problem in their own childhoods and adolescence are trying to dictate the medical treatments that kids with the same problem today are getting.

That isn't harming children.

Several posters have gone into detail about some of the many physical harms that have been done to children by giving them the kinds of medical interventions you advocate they receive. Yet you still blithely make such assertions.

There's a 15-16 year old girl in Sweden who identifies (or did) as trans featured in the Trans Train documentary Part 4 who is in constant pain and has trouble standing, walking and just getting through each day because the "puberty blockers" she was put on at 11 caused her to suffer multiple spine fractures, disc disintegration and bone deformity. Moreover, stunting her skeletal development means she hasn't grown in height since she was 11. So at barely 5' tall, she's going to go through life even shorter than she would have been without the blockers. But she appears even shorter than that because she can't straighten her spine when on her feet. Tell me, how will these physical features help her "pass" as a man better?

Apparently, there are at least 15 other girls in Sweden treated by the Karolinska Institute in similar straits. There's also a girl in Australia who is in a wheelchair because as a result of the "puberty blockers," the major bones in her legs break when she tries to stand on them.

The Karolinska ended up having to report itself to Swedish medical authorities and to prosecutors for the harms its medical doctors have done to girls in the name of "gender affirming medical treatment." Yet ideologues like you continue to claim that the kind of experimental treatments you advocate for and insist on

isn't harming children.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Why is it the right thing to do? Please list reasons.

Because trans people are human beings with agency who deserve to make our own decisions on what hormones we're running on. No less and no more.

But it seems to me that many of the parents who have "transitioned" their children have treated their kids as their property. And also as their pet "projects," show ponies, cash cows, claims to fame, pawns in their own psychodramas, props used to get themselves attention and applause, and mouthpieces. Seems to me children and youngsters like Kai Shappley and Jazz Jennings have been used, exploited, manipulated and controlled by their parents just much as Edgar Bergen once did to Charlie McCarthy.

Then those particular parents are bad. Doesn't mean trans kids don't exist. I've felt this way since I was 6 and I am no contact with my family because they are transphobic asf. For every supposed parent like that there are three more transphobic, homophobic parents like mine.

But again, why do you think you personally know best about the medical interventions other people's children should receive?

It's not up to me, it's up to them. They should get the medical interventions they want and ask for. I don't get what part of that you don't understand.

Tell me, how will these physical features help him "pass" as a man better?

Short men exist you know. And blockers aren't cross-sex hormones, you know that. But I will not engage in talking about someone unless you use their pronouns.

Yet ideologues like you continue to claim that the kind of experimental treatments you advocate for and insist on isn't harming children

It's not. Blockers having side effects is unfortunate but that is a problem with those particular medications not the concept of pausing puberty.

[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Huh? My post that you are responding to was about this specific statement of yours, which I quoted and offset so that it would be clear to all exactly what I was referring to:

I support transition care for teens because I believe it is the right thing to do, it is what I would have wanted at that age, and because I am tired of kids being treated as parental property. That isn't harming children.

When I asked you to spell out why exactly "transition care for teens, kids" and children is "the right thing to do," you've come back with

Because trans people are human beings with agency who deserve to make our own decisions on what hormones we're running on. No less and no more.

The comment you made earlier I was inquiring into was specifically about teens, kids and children - not "trans people." But your response is about full-grown adults with "agency" like you. In fact, you switch speaking of other people's minor children to speaking solely about yourself and other adults like you. Me me me, we we we...

trans people are human beings with agency who deserve to make our own decisions on what hormones we're running on.

Talk about changing the topic and switching the goal posts!

Nowhere on this thread - or I believe on any other - have I ever said that full-grown adults with fully-developed brains and cognitive abilities like you should not be able to make your own decisions about your own health care and your own life.

Throughout this entire thread the concerns and questions about medical interventions that I have raised have not been about the course of action you choose for your own body, or what other adults decide to do with their bodies. The concerns and questions I've raised are about the treatments you insist must be done across the board to other people - and to other people when they are still small children, tweens, teens and young adults undergoing crucial stages of development.

I have asked you time and again why you believe you and other adults like you know best which medical interventions ALL small children, tweens and teens with gender and sex issues should be subjected to - and why in particular you think you know best about how sex-and -gender distressed female youngsters should be treated. And I'll gotten back is responses that indicate you know nothing whatsoever of child development and do not give a shit about the longterm health and wellbeing of the children whose bodies you insist must be altered. Such as this inhumane, ignorant doozy:

Blockers having side effects is unfortunate but that is a problem with those particular medications not the concept of pausing puberty.

I bet your only knowledge about children comes from having been a child once yourself. I'd lay down good money that you've never even done any baby sitting or changed a diaper.