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[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Huh? My post that you are responding to was about this specific statement of yours, which I quoted and offset so that it would be clear to all exactly what I was referring to:

I support transition care for teens because I believe it is the right thing to do, it is what I would have wanted at that age, and because I am tired of kids being treated as parental property. That isn't harming children.

When I asked you to spell out why exactly "transition care for teens, kids" and children is "the right thing to do," you've come back with

Because trans people are human beings with agency who deserve to make our own decisions on what hormones we're running on. No less and no more.

The comment you made earlier I was inquiring into was specifically about teens, kids and children - not "trans people." But your response is about full-grown adults with "agency" like you. In fact, you switch speaking of other people's minor children to speaking solely about yourself and other adults like you. Me me me, we we we...

trans people are human beings with agency who deserve to make our own decisions on what hormones we're running on.

Talk about changing the topic and switching the goal posts!

Nowhere on this thread - or I believe on any other - have I ever said that full-grown adults with fully-developed brains and cognitive abilities like you should not be able to make your own decisions about your own health care and your own life.

Throughout this entire thread the concerns and questions about medical interventions that I have raised have not been about the course of action you choose for your own body, or what other adults decide to do with their bodies. The concerns and questions I've raised are about the treatments you insist must be done across the board to other people - and to other people when they are still small children, tweens, teens and young adults undergoing crucial stages of development.

I have asked you time and again why you believe you and other adults like you know best which medical interventions ALL small children, tweens and teens with gender and sex issues should be subjected to - and why in particular you think you know best about how sex-and -gender distressed female youngsters should be treated. And I'll gotten back is responses that indicate you know nothing whatsoever of child development and do not give a shit about the longterm health and wellbeing of the children whose bodies you insist must be altered. Such as this inhumane, ignorant doozy:

Blockers having side effects is unfortunate but that is a problem with those particular medications not the concept of pausing puberty.

I bet your only knowledge about children comes from having been a child once yourself. I'd lay down good money that you've never even done any baby sitting or changed a diaper.