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[–]MarkTwainiac 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, women can be mean and violent too. So can girls.

However, female people are not mean and violent to male people in the same ways that males are to females. Nor do female people pose anywhere near the same level or kind of physical threat to males that male people pose to females.

Most males over age 13 or so can easily overpower the vast majority of female people of all ages, and they can choke female people to unconsciousness or death with their bare hands. But the reverse is not true. The average woman or girl has little chance of fending off an attack from grown man or teenage boy, much less succeeding in overpowering and killing a man or teenage boy if she decides to attack him. Yes, full-grown women can overpower and beat up infant and young boys - and some unfortunately do. But once the average boy turns 12-13, he can easily overpower his mum, gran, female teachers and all other women.

Also, males can impregnate females against our will. Female people can't do anything of the sort to male people.

But your point prompts the question: if women and girls are so mean and violent, why are some men and boys so eager to get into girls' and women's spaces?