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[–]BiologyIsReal[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Ok, I guess I should say something more now that I've calmed down before the others mods comment here. First of all, thanks for the support!

So, I said what I said because I was angry for a lot of things. I'm quite angry about what is happening around these issues in general and how transactivists have accomplished many of their goals in a short time, mostly through everyone's back. I'm angry about how transactivists are forcing everyone to lie and say the most absurd things. And yet we're being asked to believe them when they claim to be a marginalized group that no one cares about. I'm quite frustated because my past discussions on this sub and I keep asking myself if is it worth it arguing with a bunch of people who time and time again show they are not interested in actually listening to anything I say because they had decided I'm a evil and ignorant bigot who belong to a dangerous "hate group", and yet they expect I give a dam about their struggles, all in the hopes that I may change some lurkers' minds. Supposing we have any lurker, which may be just whishfull thinking on my part. I'm frustrated with the moderation. From the begginnig I tried hard to be fair because I value fairness. Of course, nothing was ever good enough for the QT side. I'm frustrated with QT users acting like they were making us a huge favour just by showing up here, regardless of how they behave, and how they expect we be all-accommodating under the threath they will leave if not. u/circlingmyownvoid2 saying the choices of word to talk about women made by The Lancet was acceptable, right after ignoring the points I made in our discussion and accusing me of adhominen attacks for ponting out circling's lack of concern for women, was just the catalyst that made me say what I've been bottling up.

I say all of this as an explanation, not as an excuse. I recognized I broked the rules while being aware of the fact and under the knowledge circling wasn't going to like it a bit. I did it to prove a point and because I regard the idea of "misgendering" being an unforgiveable offense to be absurd. I won't apologize, though. I hate fake apologies and the truth is I stand by every single word I said. I do not think referencing someone's sex is an insult, it's trans identified people who decide to project their own ideas about the sexes onto everyone else. Also, circling has never apologized for their own behaviour in this sub as far as I've seen.

I expected my comments would be eventually deleted and I'd be warned not to do it again. I certainly wasn't expecting circling would immediately make a thread demanding I were removed from the mod team. I find this response to be disproportionate and hypocritical. I don't believe for a second circling's sudden interest in enforcing rules. As a side note, by doing this circling has only proved my point spectacularly. Circling has yet to answer me how if "medical transition" is an effective treatment for gender dysphoria, how can circling get so upset by a stranger on the internet, who lives far far away, mentions circling's sex? I think this is an example of how "medical transition" doesn't really resolve the underlying issues and the "treatment" depends on everyone else playing along with their "identities". And given that society has refused to tell transactivists no, it's not wonder they keep asking for more and more. That is how now we have medical journals talking about "bodies with vaginas". Nothing will ever be good enough form them because they will always have the doubt other people don't believe all this stuff. Just like they themselves don't believe it, either.

Anyway, if I stay as mod, I'll have to accept not to "misgendering" here, regardless of my feelings on the issue. However, given circling's interest in me being a good rule-enforcer, I can promise I'd be more severe from now on... And I'll make sure a rule about not calling fellow users "cis" is written in the sidebar this time around. GC should not be the only ones forced to adjust their language in this sub.