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[–]Penultimate_Penance 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Those articles are sourcing legitimate studies and link directly to them so you can easily check out the studies for yourself. Trans activists have been so tyrannical with speech suppression that researchers and journalists who don't toe the party line have limited places to publish their findings and views. Sexual reassignment surgeries and wrong sex hormones harm the body. That is an objective fact. Do these surgeries actually cure gender dysphoria? That is very debatable. Is the price to a transgender's person health for their entire lives worth it? That is also very debatable.

[–]circlingmyownvoid2 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Do these surgeries actually cure gender dysphoria?

Sometimes. And the fact that it isn’t 100 percent is why there’s steps like psych reviews and time on hormones though.

Is the price to a transgender's person health for their entire lives worth it?

Yes. But also again I and many others removed from the burden of disphoria are better able to engage in self care and end up physically healthier. So I have to take a pill and can’t have children, what’s that compared to improved health on so many other levels?

[–]Penultimate_Penance 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

"In regard to the emotional effects of transition, many activists will refer you to a 2018 Pediatrics journal article entitled “Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior.” But the study reported therein was based on just three years of data—collected between 2012 and 2015. What matters is the long term. And in this regard, the gold standard is a study of 324 medically transitioned adults, based on 30-year longitudinal data. The authors found that completing sex-reassignment surgery was associated with “considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity” as compared to the general population. Kids who are suicidal before their transition will likely continue to be suicidal, and the most intense ideation often comes years after transitioning. (Transgender folks themselves sometimes speak anecdotally of a seven-to-10-year trans suicide “itch” observed within the community.)"

The study this quote is referring to

Crazy idea, but if trans activists stopped drinking their own koolaid it would make it easier for researchers to test and try out mental health treatments, potentially in combination with drugs that could effectively cure or at the very least alleviate gender/sex dysphoria. (These are the treatments that should be paid for by the public dime) Transition in the long run is worse than the disease it purports to cure. By transitioned people's public behavior it is clear that for many if not most transitioning is merely a band aid and they still suffer hyper sensitivity, gender dysphoria and other comorbidities which are common among trans identified individuals. Changing the body without treating the underlying mental illness/s is not a real solution.

"Of the 298 transgender women, 41.5%of participants had 1 or more mental health or substance dependence diagnoses; 1 in 5 (20.1%) had 2 or more comorbid psychiatric diagnoses. Prevalence of specific disorders was as follows: lifetime and current major depressive episode, 35.4%and 14.7%, respectively; suicidality, 20.2%; generalized anxiety disorder, 7.9%; posttraumatic stress disorder, 9.8%; alcohol dependence, 11.2%; and nonalcohol psychoactive substance use dependence, 15.2%." Psychiatric Diagnoses and Comorbidities in a Diverse, Multicity Cohort of Young Transgender Women

Gender/Sex Dysphoria is essentially BDD. We should treat sex dysphoria in the same/or similar ways to the way we treat Body dysmorphic disorder. You know what is not recommended? Giving BDD sufferers a bunch of unnecessary plastic surgeries. Physical transition breaks the Hippocratic oath of "Do no harm". If sex dysphoria wasn't so politicized we could much more easily be giving real solutions to dysphoric people that won't wreck their health and bodies for the rest of their lives.

Adults should be free for the most part to take on cosmetic surgeries to change their appearance, but that should always be on their own dime. Wrong sex hormone 'treatments' should also be on their own dime. I'm still on the fence whether these procedures and treatments should outright be banned, because of how harmful they are in the long run. Clearly mentally unwell individuals saying they'll commit suicide if they don't get them makes me lean more towards advocating for outright banning these harmful medical practices. Unethical Doctors who 'help' people with their transitions are preying on vulnerable people who will have to pay the price for their rest of their lives.

Forget What Gender Activists Tell You. Here’s What Medical Transition Looks Like For this trans man her transition was pretty fucking high price to pay. Explain to me how we should be encouraging/making it easier anyone to do this with their bodies? The very least we can do is not pay for it with the public dime to make it as difficult as possible for adults to engage in this level of self harm. All of these surgeries are unnecessary, many trans people have found harmless/significantly less harmless ways to cope with their gender dysphoria, sometimes solving other mental health problems like depression have been effective. Physical intervention should always be the last resort and it is a fact that trans people will not keel over if they can't afford hormones or surgery.

"During my own transition, I had seven surgeries. I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Between me and my insurance company, medical expenses exceeded $900,000.

During these 17 months of agony, I couldn’t get a urologist to help me. They didn’t feel comfortable taking me on as a patient—since the phalloplasty, like much of the transition process, is experimental. “Could you go back to the original surgeon?” they suggested."

[–]circlingmyownvoid2 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Transition in the long run is worse than the disease it purports to cure.

No. It isn’t. I as a transitioned person can tell you definitively that is wrong.

I'm still on the fence whether these procedures and treatments should outright be banned,

Transition is life saving care. To ban it is to ban the only effective treatment for dysphoria and the fact you would even consider arguing for a ban reveals how deeply you obviously hate trans people. I won’t be responding further.

[–]Penultimate_Penance 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You still haven't cited your sources.

Edit: You also haven't proven that transition is the only effective treatment. There are many individuals who have chosen to not transition and have found other ways to manage their dysphoria. Many people with dysphoria desist over time. If transition was the only effective treatment why are there so many dysphoric people who have found other ways to effectively treat and/or manage their dysphoria?

You don't cite your sources. You only use your personal anecdotal life story, and completely disregard trans identified individuals who have found ways to cope without hormones and surgery. It shouldn't be surprising that I don't find your arguments convincing.