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[–]FlippyKingSadly this sub welcomes rape apologists and victim blaming. Bye! 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

no amount of indecent exposure is acceptable. Your sexed body matters in public. it is your body that everyone identifies you as because that is what is see-able and knowable. what claims are made about some internal sense of a supposedly gendered identity only matter to the person who has some internal sense of their supposedly gendered identity.

How is this even a question? Who gives a fuck about what someone thinks they are or says they are? One's sense of their own identity is a lie some people make up to explain to themselves how they fit into the world. the more one clings to an identity instead of adapting to the physical world they live in and accepting physical reality and the language that describes (including adult human male and adult human female as definitions for man and woman which are the two and only two sex categories used in reproduction, and the social construct of gender having nothing what so ever to do with any of it), the more they experience cognitive dissonance. The idea that woman or man is an identity and not a body type is just simply a stupid idea and it is too often used by predators.

The Wi Spa shows there can be no public policy that protects privacy rights of women and little girls that also allows for predators to lie about their "Gender". Gender has no place in public policy, and it should not replace sex as a basis for legal identification. Team QT can celebrate, the law will side with you and continue creating hell on earth-- but hey you can get all the erections gender euphoria metaphorical and literal rocks off all you want.