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[–]NeedMoreCoffeeGC 20 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 0 fun21 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think this is a good example of how full of shit the "i just want to pee" bit is.

If that was all there would not be such conflicts. You now have a man swinging his dick around with women and little girls where everyone is naked and feels even more vulnerable.

A spa is not something you need to survive, and a women's only section even less. There are mixed spas, go to one of those if you are trans ok?

Women are way more vulnerable. 1 in 5 is raped, 1 in 3 has been sexually assaulted, most of us had multiple horrible experiences with me getting harrassed on the street/bar/taxi or followed or whatever. You have no right to be in those spaces if you are born a man making everyone scared and uncomfortable.

You need validation give it to yourself and get therapy. Women are not here for your self image unlinke a lot of trans and other men think.

So good for her for that women speaking up and good for the other women to get their money back and the ones that were in line turning around. We don't need this shit we deal enough with shitty men on a daily basis. In a womens only section there should only be women.

I do feel bad for the manager having to deal with this when they cant legally turn away transgenders. It sucks to be in that position. More people affected by the "we just want to pee and live our lives in peace" squad.

I am getting so angry about this shit, this gross enourmous misogyny and disregard of women's boundaries and safety.

[–]worried19[S] 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I do feel bad for the manager having to deal with this when they cant legally turn away transgenders. It sucks to be in that position.

Yeah, there was no way that manager believed what she was saying. But she would have gotten fired if she had deviated from the company line. It was pretty obvious that she stuck to the script and only reiterated that they were not allowed to discriminate against gender identity. I wonder how many other incidents they've had like this that weren't filmed.