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[–]Penultimate_Penance 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What Bio Essentialism actually means:

"The belief that 'human nature', an individual's personality, or some specific quality (such as intelligence, creativity, homosexuality, masculinity, femininity, or a male propensity to aggression) is an innate and natural 'essence' (rather than a product of circumstances, upbringing, and culture)."

Bio essentialism is referring to sexist stereotypes not biological reality. Believing that women inherently want to be mothers/are nurturing is Bio Essentialist. Knowing that women have female bodies is not. Sexist beliefs and stereotypes can be self fulfilling prophesies via nurture, which is why we should avoid prescribing certain character/propensities traits on people based on whether they are male or female.

The concept of Bio Essentialism has gone over a lot of trans activists heads, because they so desperately want to believe that a man can be a woman or a woman can be a man somehow. Attempting to redefine well established terms & concepts to fit your queer world view then expecting us to argue with your redefinition doesn't fly with me. Bio essentialism has nothing to do with how we define/determine sex. It has everything to with what we believe about people based on their sex aka cultural sexist stereotypes.

A transwoman saying "Now that I transitioned I am bad at math now" is bio essentialist. They believe being a woman means you must be bad at math. "Now that I transitioned I'm super emotional and I cry at the drop of hat." Also bio essentialist. A very large percentage of transwomen believe that women are inferior intellectually & emotionally. (I know this, because I've read and listened to transwomen. Their beliefs about womanhood prove they don't have the faintest idea of what being a woman is actually like and many of their beliefs are extremely insulting. It blows my mind that any woman would play along with this. After reading transwomen's writing my first thought was, oh hell no, same sexist bullshit different century. The religious fundies left a cultural & political power vacuum and this is the sexist nonsense that is filling the void.)

The entire concept of a "gender identity/gender soul" is bio essentialist. Trans activists are presuming that everyone has an innate sense of gender and if it doesn't match they must switch to the other side magically somehow. Crazy idea, but being a man doesn't mean you have to be aggressive or violent. You can be as feminine, kindhearted and flamboyant as you want while still being a man. Being a woman doesn't mean you are fated to be stupid, weak or hysterical you can be tough as nails, invent X-rays and calmly stand up for yourself. Transitioning is superfluous, shallow and unnecessary self harm if you don't believe in bio-essentialism.

That's where I'm coming from. I feel bad for trans identified people. They could have much more fulfilling & healthy lives if they accepted their bodies as they are and embraced being authentically themselves, the bio-essentialist stereotypes imposed by society be damned.

Gender nonconformity aka radical authenticity the stereotypes be damned is the solution. Not transitioning.