all 66 comments

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 12 insightful - 3 fun12 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

1) Why are you GC or QT?

I can’t find anything gc I disagree with, and think the qt obsession with identity is wildly unhealthy. Women’s rights cannot coexist with qt ideas being enforced.

2) Were you ever on the opposite side? (Ex. Went from GC to QT or QT to GC?)

Went from libfem to gc after I made some stupid ‘not my nigel’ post on a forum and was rightly shut down and it was explained how and why that sort of thing is useless. Started reading more things related to that explanation and here we are.

3) How do you define "man" and "woman"?

Adult human male, adult human female.

4) Transwoman are...Transmen are...

Adult human males presenting themselves as women and/or performing femininity. Transmen are adult human females presenting themselves as males and performing masculinity.

5) What are your thoughts on the term "cis", "natal" and "biological"?

Silly tbh. English speakers know what man and woman mean and no amount of tantrum throwing or accusations of discrimination will alter that.

6) Do you believe transmen can play in sports with biological men and vice-versa---can transwomen play in sports with biological women?

Not safely or fairly.

7) What is considered misgendering?

The refusal to verbally imply that gender identity is important/valid. Refusal to agree that clothes/hair/cosmetics etc make a person one sex or the other.

8) Gender is...and sex is...

Gender is nonsense and sex is immutable and not half as complex as people would like it to be.

9) Do you know people in real life that are QT if you're GC or that are GC if you're QT? Are they friends or family?

My family and friends know and mostly agree. They’re less enthused about the feminist part than the males are women/females are men rhetoric.

10) How do people normally treat you based in your views?

Like they’re common sense and normal.

11) Are transmedicalist GC, QT, or neither?

Neither. They still perform gender so aren’t gc. They aren’t qt because they don’t fully endorse gender identity.

12) What is one thing you wish the other side knew about your position?

I don’t hate you. I don’t think you’re a monster. I just want you to respect women the way you’re asking them to respect you.

Extra (optional--Put N/A if you choose not to answer, it's okay)

1) What is your sexual orientation? Bi

2) Are you a transman/transwoman or a biological man/woman? I’m a woman.

3) What region are you from?(North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa) Straya.

[–]loveSloaneDebate King 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

1) Why are you GC or QT?

GC. Because I believe in biology and female rights.

2) Were you ever on the opposite side? (Ex. Went from GC to QT or QT to GC?)


3) How do you define "man" and "woman"?

Adult male human= man. Adult female human= woman

4) Transwoman are...Transmen are...

TW are men. TM are women.

5) What are your thoughts on the term "cis", "natal" and "biological"?

Validation language. There’s just woman or man. Not a “cis woman/man” “natal woman/man” or a “biological woman/man”. Sex can’t change in humans so trans people are the men if they were born male and women if they were born female.

6) Do you believe transmen can play in sports with biological men and vice-versa---can transwomen play in sports with biological women?


7) What is considered misgendering?

Forcing others to use pronouns that we know aren’t accurate.

8) Gender is...and sex is...

Gender: A social construct, not a choice or an internal sense of self

Sex: unchangeable biological fact

9) Do you know people in real life that are QT if you're GC or that are GC if you're QT? Are they friends or family?

Yes I know a few. No family. Not really friends. People I’ve worked with, a few transwomen i knew as a kid.

10) How do people normally treat you based in your views?

They tend to agree, be it openly or secretly

11) Are transmedicalist GC, QT, or neither?

Staunchly GC, I think transmed trans people are easier to engage with and tend to be much less sexist, but irl they still contribute to issues I have with trans ideology. I don’t think females should have to undermine our rights for them, but I’m 1000 times more sympathetic to transmed than qt

Eta- misunderstood the question lol. I think transmed could be either, depends on the person. I know some transmed I’d consider gc and some who I’d consider qt, but I think if transmeds legally “change sex”, don’t disclose in personal relationships and use female spaces then they would be somewhat qt/neither, I get they may do it out of self preservation, but it’s still not gc to me. Can’t articulate this well atm

12) What is one thing you wish the other side knew about your position?

That even though we disagree, it’s not rooted in hatred for them.

[–]loveSloaneDebate King 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

1) What is your sexual orientation?

“Super” Bi (put the super because I’m no but not open to dating trans people- I’m married so not dating anyone lol, but just generally speaking)

2) Are you a transman/transwoman or a biological man/woman?

I’m a woman.

3) What region are you from?(North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa)


4) Feel free to share your background story here of how you became GC or QT

I was told to educate myself. And I did.

[–]BiologyIsReal 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

1) I'm GC because sex is binary and immutable for humans. I think sexism and misogyny are rooted in sex. I reject the idea women must be a XYZ way and must be an ABC way. I don't think anyone can identify out of their oppression.

2) Nope. I just became more aware with the issues at hand.

3) A woman is an adult human female and a man is a adult human male.

4) They are men and women respectively.

5) I think the terms natal women and biological women are redundant. I reject cis because it implies that I believe in "gender identity", that I conform and agree with sex roles and stereotypes and that sexism is not rooted in sex.

6) Males have an athletic advantage over females regardless of how the former identify. That is why there are sex categories in sports. Technically, some men's sport categories are open to anyone, so trans females could compete there if they want.

7) Misgendering is refering to someone by their sex rather than how they may identify. I think a belief in gender identity is aking to a religious belief because gender identity can't be externally determined, unlike sex. People are free to believe in this stuff if they want, but they don't have a right to force their beliefs in everyone else.

8) Sex is a biological category based on what reproductive role a kind of individuals of a given species has. Female is the sex that produces large gametes (eggs) and male is the sex that produces small gametes (sperm). In humans, sex is determined at conception based on your sex chromosomes (XY are males and XX are females).

Gender refers to what society expect from someone based in their sex. Tbh, I don't like the word gender because I think it's only make things more confusing.

9 & 10) I don't really talk about this stuff IRL. I know some people who are QT leaning. I think my family and friends mostly don't believe in transgenderism, but I wouldn't say they are exactly GC.

11) I think they are neither. Though, based in past interactions in this forum, I think the QT/transmed is not as straightforward.

12) Disagreeing with someone is not the same that denyng their existence.

Extra) I'm a straight woman from South America. Last year, I found some radical feminist websites while looking for criticism of sex positivism that didn't came from a sexist or religious viewpoint. There I saw some articles about transgenderism that picked my interest and that is how I learnt about all the changes that were happening.

[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

1) I'm more GC because it's more based on reality and I see those beliefs and values being more protective of more people and QT views as more harmful. The idealist in me would favor a world where anything could be anything, and in a certain sense I do believe it can.

2) I suppose I had more QT views beforehand, just because I was ignorant and didn't think anyone was being harmed by them.

3) men are adult human males, women are adult human females

4) transwomen are males, transmen are females

5) I don't really have any feelings on "cis", other that now that I know some people don't like being called that that I would rather abstain from using it (it's just synonymous with non-trans in my mind, so I just say that). "Biological" and "natal" seem like a way to maybe ease the sting of gender dysphoria for those who live with it, they're a way to be mindful of a trans person's self-perception of what sex they belong to; I prefer to use them because it's honestly still a shock to me that I'm male, and if I can soften that shock in any way, then I'd like to do that.

6) Not without disadvantages and advantages inherent to sex, no I don't believe so.

7) "Misgendering" is when a person is deliberately addressed or referred to as being a member of their sex when they would prefer to be addressed or thought of as a member of the opposite sex or having no sex at all.

8) Gender is a summation of behavior attributed to sex as either boy or girl, woman or man. Sex is a summation of qualities attributed to reproduction.

9) I'm still a bit new to these ideas and this dichotomy, but I think I know people who lean heavily towards both camps, all of them friends and family. My friends and family all probably lean a bit more towards being QT, I think out of striving to be tolerant and open-minded, but even they hold some GC views. I don't know anyone in my life who is dead-set in either area of thinking.

10) They tend to treat me very well, especially the more I get to talking with them! 😊

11) I think transmedicalists are much more GC than QT, but they are generally averse to embracing the desire to eventually eliminate transsexualism altogether. Generally.

12) I wish QT understood that the desire to prevent transsexualism and gender dysphoria is one of compassion, not hatred

Extra (optional--Put N/A if you choose not to answer, it's okay)

1) Homosexual

2) Transwoman / biological man

3) North America

4) I learned about GC a couple months ago after working on connecting with other trans people online in regards to trauma and discovered transmedicalism and truscum. I learned a post I made on Reddit was shared on a site for radfems (who I knew of as a different name) and thought that they hated trans people because that's what I had been told, but discovered that wasn't really the case. I got to talking with them and making friends and finding I agreed with everything they were saying, so here I am!

[–]BiologyIsReal[M] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

If I think of more questions, I shall edit post or make a part 2?

I think 12 (+4) questions are enough for a post. I'd recommend you ask any additional question(s) you may have in another post. You can also ask other questions in the comments.

[–]PeakingPeachEaterdetrans GNC female skeptic 🧐[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Okay, I shall do that! :-)

[–]Omina_SentenziosaSarcastic Ovalord 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

1) Why are you GC or QT?

Uh, I am not sure how to answer that? Because I think that biological sex exists and it' s more important than a feeling in the 0, 6% of the population when it comes to defining what womanhood is, I guess.

2) Were you ever on the opposite side? (Ex. Went from GC to QT or QT to GC?)

I was never a hardcore supporter of QT, but I used to believe that playing along was the ebst thing to do.

3) How do you define "man" and "woman"?

Adult human male and adult human female.

4) Transwoman are...Transmen are...

Men who want to be considered women and women who want to be considered men.

5) What are your thoughts on the term "cis", "natal" and "biological"?

Cis is an incorrect term that is often used as an insult: I don' t particularly care about the insult, but I can' t stand the hypocrisy of the community that uses it, which keeps complaining about how everyone should respect the labels people choose for themselves and then call people "cis" even when they are told not to do it. On top of that, it' s incorrect, given that it usually means "identifies with the gender associated with your sex". Gender is a set of sex based roles and stereotypes, identifying with it means being ok with the stereotypes women get thrown at since birth, and most of us don' t do it.

Natal is often used to imply that you can kind of change your sex, as in you are natal x, but can become something else, which is ridicoulous.

Biological is redundant and implies that there is a way to be a woman that doesn' t rely on biology, which I disagree with. It' s still the preferred term among those three for me.

6) Do you believe transmen can play in sports with biological men and vice-versa---can transwomen play in sports with biological women?


7) What is considered misgendering?

Using labels and pronouns that a person doesn' t want to be used to describe them. With trans people, those labels and pronouns describe their biological sex.

8) Gender is...and sex is...

Gender is a set of sex-based steretoypes and roles and social constructs associated with both sexes and more often than not shoved down our throats since birth. Sex is the reproductive category people are born in.

9) Do you know people in real life that are QT if you're GC or that are GC if you're QT? Are they friends or family?

I know people who are supporters in the same way I was a while ago, which means that they superficially think it' s not a big deal. I don' t know anyone who is a hardcore activist.

10) How do people normally treat you based in your views?

Most people I know in real life agree with me, the ones who don' t are not so deep in the ideology that we can' t get along.

11) Are transmedicalist GC, QT, or neither?


12) What is one thing you wish the other side knew about your position?

They know about my position, most of them prefer distorting it or ignoring it for their own benefits.

1) What is your sexual orientation?


2) Are you a transman/transwoman or a biological man/woman?

Biological woman.

3) What region are you from?(North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa)


4) Feel free to share your background story here of how you became GC or QT.

I asked questions about sexed brains and wondered why when men say men and women have different brains they are considered sexist assholes by the same people who call it science and the right side of history when it' s said by men who call themselves women. I was called a TERF for that (even though at the time I wanted TRAs to convince me that they were right) and since I didn' t know what a TERF was I looked into it and found the GC and radfem community.

[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers 6 insightful - 5 fun6 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 5 fun -  (5 children)

1) Why are you GC or QT?

I'm QT because I believe trans men are men, trans women are women and trans enbys are enbys. I am against sex segregated spaces except in sports. Bathrooms have stalls, though I think stalls shouldn't have gaps. I don't care who’s in the next stall or who I wash my hands with unless they're harassing me. I think locker rooms should also have stalls. That solves the problem for people who don't want to change in front of others. Though I think even now people should have the right to use the locker rooms of their choice. If someone is harassing you, the problem is their behavior, not the presence of the gender.

I dislike how GCs talk about trans men. The only time they (pretend to) stick up for trans men is when trans women talk over them. Otherwise they call trans men narcissists, handmaidens and insult them. A handmaiden is a cis woman/trans man who disagrees with them. It's supposed to mean you're a traitor to woman and a servant. Now just because I support the trans community as a woman doesn't mean I'm a servant and OK with sexism. They insulted Chase Strangio for not agreeing with their beliefs. One user wrote on Ovarit she is appalled there was never a class action lawsuit against doctors who perform FTM SRS, because trans men are lied to what the results will look like. It's like they expect every person AFAB to be on their side. The only forum specifically for trans men I know of is r/FTM. I searched the sub via Google. I only found 2 threads complaining trans women talk over trans men. There are 20+ threads complaining about "TERFs"/gender critical. I don't know the exact number as there are too many to count. Most trans men don't want your activism. You can stop pointing out each time trans women talk over trans men, or stop pretending to advocate for them.

Now, the term narcissist is itself overused by the general public. Actual narcissists are very charming, and they use that charm to victimize others. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and are preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. They have a need for excessive admiration and believe they are special and important. Someone who just has an awful and selfish personality is not a narcissist. Most trans people aren't narcissists. But this is another topic.

I disagree with their views on porn. I think there are valid criticisms of mainstream porn and the porn industry, but they criticize any and all forms of porn and are critical of sexual entertainment. On the old GC sub, there was a thread criticizing J.Lo for doing a strip tease at the super bowl. They said rich, powerful women who do this are objectifying themselves and are victimizers, unlike the vast majority of strippers who are victims First of all, not all strippers/porn stars are victims. Maybe some are, and certainly those who are forced into it. For too long, women who were openly sexual/promiscuous have been called whores, sluts, told they don't respect themselves, that they didn't have a daddy to tell them they're beautiful and they don't need male attention. Men who are openly sexual/promiscuous do not experience the same value judgements. I am a feminist and believe feminism is about ending sex shaming and the idea of "respecting yourself" in regards to showing off your body/sexuality. J.Lo is a celebrity and you can criticize her, but that doesn't make your criticism feminist. Of course this does not bean men get to objectify women. Objectification is when men treat women like mere sex objects regardless of the circumstances. It does not mean any porn video you don't like.

Finally, I said this already, which gender is sharing my spaces is not a concern for me. I searched o/activism (a circle where they share petitions, fundraisers, letters and emails to politicians, encourage people to write to politicians, etc.). Most of their campaigns are about sex-segregated spaces, sports and medical transitions of minors. I rarely see them advocating on issues that affect women/people AFAB like OTC birth control, equal pay or women not being allowed to enter certain professions like garbage collecting or mechanics. Legally they can, but in the real world they are rejected. There are other issues they can advocate, like police brutality and disabled children being segregated in school. As someone who was in special ed in full time until high school (just for a mild learning disability), I was far more discriminated in my life for being disabled than for being a woman and a Jew combined. Although sexism is prevalent and widespread, being female wasn't the worst thing for me.

2) Were you ever on the opposite side? (Ex. Went from GC to QT or QT to GC?)


3) How do you define "man" and "woman"?

Those who have a male and female gender identity.

4) Transwoman are...Transmen are...

Transwomen are women. Transmen are men.

5) What are your thoughts on the term "cis", "natal" and "biological"?

OK with me. I refer to myself as a cis woman.

6) Do you believe transmen can play in sports with biological men and vice-versa---can transwomen play in sports with biological women?

I don't think trans women should be allowed to play in women's sports because the average male has a physical advantage over the average female.

7) What is considered misgendering?

Failure to use someone's preferred pronouns. Calling someone a man or woman when they aren't.

8) Gender is...and sex is...

Gender is your identity in relation to sex, and includes how you identify and your pronouns. Sex is biological, and many of us have gender identities outside our biological sex. Some sex characteristics can be changed. Some can not.

9) Do you know people in real life that are QT if you're GC or that are GC if you're QT? Are they friends or family?

I and my sister are QT but my parents are I think GC even if they don't know the term. My mom thinks trans people are mentally ill and my dad misgenders trans celebrities.

10) How do people normally treat you based in your views?

We rarely discuss them.

11) Are transmedicalist GC, QT, or neither?


12) What is one thing you wish the other side knew about your position?

We accept GNC people. Many of us are against gender roles, like the idea that men can't wear dresses and skirts and women can't be mechanics. We recognize people can have dysphoria and it has nothing to do with gender roles. Also, not all trans people and their supporters are white, middle class and AMAB. Many trans people aren't white. Many are disabled. Many live in 3rd world countries.

1) What is your sexual orientation?


2) Are you a transman/transwoman or a biological man/woman?

I am a cis woman.

3) What region are you from?(North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa)


[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

"Narcissist" is very much overused. Good call.

I'd be remiss tho if I didn't point out that "charming and aggrandizing" is to narcissism as "mania and depression" is to bipolar -- seriously incomplete.

I know the DSM descriptors, but here's how it works in Narcissistic Personality Disorder and as a feature of Borderline and Histrionic PDs -- a compulsive need for attention coupled with a lack of self-awareness. That attention can be regard, validation, support, and championing, but it can also be criticism, argumentativeness, combativeness, or punishment (if you can't capture the positives, capture the negatives). And despite their reputation as "charmers," narcissists in real life can be brutally abusive and berating.

Attention is the key word.

[–]MarkTwainiac 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The word"narcissist" has different meanings in everyday usage and as a clinical term.

The general definition of narcissist is:

a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves (Oxford)

someone who has too much admiration for himself or herself (Cambridge)

an individual showing symptoms of or suffering from narcissism: such as a: an extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance; b:a person who is overly concerned with his or her physical appearance (Merriam-Webster)

1) a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish. 2)Psychoanalysis: a person who suffers from narcissism, deriving erotic gratification from admiration of their own physical or mental attributes. (

The clinical definition in the DSM is an entirely different matter. Also, many people can be clinically described and diagnosed as narcissists without having full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Many people who are caught up in gender identity ideology indeed do fit the dictionary definitions of narcissists, as they are self-centered, overly self-involved, vain, selfish and excessively focused on appearance (and other superficialities).

As you say, attention-seeking is the key characteristic of narcissists.

I disagree with Genderbender's claim that a hallmark of narcissists is that they are all "very charming." Some might have this trait, but it's certainly not a defining characteristic. On the contrary, many of the gender ideologues who take to social media & the press to announce their pronouns - and/or to threaten women with cancellation & violence if we don't do as they say - come off as persons without an ounce of charm.

Since Genderbender says that narcissists "use [their] charm to victimize others," I suspect she is confusing "charming" with "manipulative." Some gender identity ideologues who are attention-seeking, overly self-involved and selfish - in other words narcissistic - do use charm to victimize others, but a far greater number victimize through other means - bullying, whining, catastrophizing, silencing, ostracism, threats of violence, actual violence, withholding affection, isolation, deprivation, authoritarianism, terrorism, theft, dehumanization, screaming & yelling, being mercurial, always moving the goalposts, using slurs, threatening suicide and self-harm... In fact, children with gender issues are often coached into making use of a number of these methods against their parents, doctors, politicians & the wider society in order to get their way. At least one user on this sub has a habit of using the suicide-threat ploy as well, saying GC beliefs kill and those who hold them are mass murderers.

One of the unfortunate aspects of the word "narcissist" as it's come to be defined today is that it misrepresents the Greek myth that gave rise to it. In the legend, the fatal flaw of the beautiful youth Narcissus was that he was unfeeling, not that he was vain. His name has the same root as narcotic, meaning to "make numb." Due to his inability to feel, Narcissus broke many hearts, but he was unmoved by - indeed, oblivious to - the suffering of those who were besotted by him. To teach Narcissus a lesson, the gods & goddesses decided to make Narcissus fall in love with a beautiful boy he could long for & look at but could never touch, get warmth from or connect with in deep, meaningful physical & sexual ways - his own self reflected in a pool of water. (The story comes from a time when most people were not familiar with their reflected images coz most people had no access to mirrors - and the few mirrors that the richest people in society had were small & made of polished metal & gave a blurry image at best. Today we assume that Narcissus knew he was looking at himself, but in the original telling he had no idea.)

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Also, many people can be clinically described and diagnosed as narcissists without having full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Absolutely. It can also appear alongside (atypical) bipolar, where the mania is expressed more as agitation or heightened irritability. It almost looks like an intertwining of heightened risk-taking and narcissism -- watch me/support me in performing these outrageous behaviors, or else!

bullying, whining, catastrophizing, silencing, ostracism, threats of violence, actual violence, withholding affection, isolation, deprivation, authoritarianism, terrorism, theft, dehumanization, screaming & yelling, being mercurial, always moving the goalposts, using slurs, threatening suicide and self-harm...

Or, as we like to call it, Tuesday.

I've been around this stuff for well over a decade now. It definitely has a certain . . . clinical bouquet about it, with a base note of social media accelerant.

[–]censorshipment 4 insightful - 8 fun4 insightful - 7 fun5 insightful - 8 fun -  (0 children)

I'm on mobile (the app), and this is a lot to answer, so I'll selectively answer so I won't have to scroll down and up too much (my mobile keyboard covers half of my screen).

I'm GC now because I found out that the general/white LGBT+ community is polluted with white heterosexual males identifying as trans lesbians. The black LGBT+ is not polluted with black heterosexual males... the majority of black trans women are gay males, and the majority of black trans men are gay females hence why I believe they belong in the LGB community even if they identify as straight trans people.

I used to be "QT" (a TRA) when I identified as a guy... I wanted to fit into the heteronormative world. I wanted straight man privileges (as a lesbian identifying as a man). But I came to my senses thanks to my bisexual girlfriend at the time. She essentially told me that women are better than men... she strongly preferred to be with a woman than a man. She was a febfem: female-exclusive bisexual female.

Also, my mom and her eldest living sister are bisexual... they also prefer women over men, although they're married to men for the financial benefits. They've both had extramarital affairs with women. They were second-wave feminists in the 70s and have been sexually liberated since then. So that also made me realize that identifying as a man wasn't right for me... Black bi women don't respect black men. 😂 yeah, that's a generalization. Oh well.

[–]FlanJam 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

1) Neither because I don't fully agree with either side, but I tend to lean more towards GC because I like their take on gender.

2) Used to be casually QT, I just believed what they told me without thinking about it.

3) Basically interchangeable with male and female. I just go with how the average person commonly uses it. Also, I don't mind calling trans people men and women, even if its not technically correct.

4) Males and females who transition due to dysphoria. I guess some people say they don't need dysphoria but I don't understand that.

5) Don't like cis, makes me think of battle droids in star wars lol. Natal and biological are alright, kinda clumsy but its works I guess.

6) In theory, maybe. In some less physically intensive sports, maybe hormones and surgery could level the playing field. But there's also the ethical question of allowing transmen to basically use steroids, and the question of transwomen being socialized as male and having that advantage.

7) Using the wrong pronouns I guess?

8) Gender is the social roles placed on people based on sex. Sex is fun 😏

9) nope

10) n/a

11) Its up to them I guess. Although, QT doesn't like them very much from what I gather.

12) Most people don't have gender identity, or feel gender euphoria, or generally experience gender the way QT does. I wish QT would stop working on that assumption.

[–]SilverSlippers 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1) I guess I'm neither. I probably lean GC as I agree with them more often. I do think gender (or something like it) is real but that its largely tied to biological sex in most people (i.e. Even if we took away all sexism and expectations there would still be differences in the way that men and women behave and the types of jobs they tend to do. Obviously there are people that differ and that should never be a bad thing).

2) I was QT until some of the more extreme points started to become mainstream (i.e. having biological males in girls sports, giving HRT without extensive psyche evaluations, puberty blockers being commonly advocate for).

3) Man is an adult biologically male human. Woman is an adult biologically female human.

4) Transwomen are males with gender/sex dysphoria. Transmen are females with gender/sex dysphoria. Dysphoria is a real mental health condition. Some people do best with transition. Some do best with therapy. Children should never be given medical transition as most evidence shows that puberty usually alleviates their dysphoria. Research into the causes and best treatments should be done but unfortunately activists often get in the way. There are many people online who claim to be trans but don't have dysphoria. These people are a mix, i.e. AGP fetishists, people who think that because they are GNC that they can't be their sex, people looking for attention and woke points, etc.

5) I prefer 'natal' or 'biological' to cis.

6) No. Its not safe or fair. With the exception of sports that are co-ed/mixed anyways.

7) Maliciously calling someone by the wrong name / pronouns with the intent of upsetting them.

8) Gender is the typical behaviors and presentation associated with a sex. Sex is what gametes your body developed with the goal of producing (even if you never actually produce any gametes).

9) My sister and her wife are GC. Most of my college friends are QT.

10) I'm not public about my views

11) Neither.

12) That GC feminists aren't killing trans people, nor do they (most of them at least) want any transpeople to be harmed.

Extra (optional--Put N/A if you choose not to answer, it's okay) 1) Bi but mostly date men.

2) Natal woman

3) North America

[–]Penultimate_Penance 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

1) I'm GC, because gender is bullshit. It's what society imposes on people throughout their lives. We'd be better off without gender instead of embracing it or even worse basing our identities on it.

2) Sort of. I was more neutral until I found out that trans activists were hellbent on destroying women's sex based rights & boundaries and homosexual rights & boundaries. That's where I draw the line. Otherwise I'm happy to agree to disagree, live and let live. I think the entire concept of transitioning is insane and detrimental to anyone who engages in it, but as long as they respect other people's rights I can respect theirs to live as they see fit.

3) Woman = Adult Human Female. Man = Adult Human Male.

4) Transwoman are men. Transmen are women.

5) The consequences of excessive naval gazing and trans activists not having a real problem in their life. Most people in this world don't have time for this nonsense. They're too busy trying to survive.

6) On unisex sports leagues absolutely. In single sex tournaments they should play with the sports team that matches their sex. If they take hormones they should be excluded from sports leagues if that gives them an unfair advantage. There are consequences to body modification. If a trans identified person wants to participate in sports they shouldn't physically transition. Full stop. They shouldn't get special doping privileges, because of their faith based belief in a gender identity. Men and women have different bodies, that's why we separate most sports by sex. It's the same concept as weight classes. The whole point of sports is a fair fight/competition. That's the whole point, either side can win. Women deserve fair sports competitions too.

7) Committing the sacrilege of correctly describing a person's sex and using sex based pronouns.

8) Sex is physiological reality. Gender is make believe. It's telling women that they are this and that, because they are women. Ditto for men. It's each societies expectations and social mores that are placed and inculcated onto both sexes. Gender is a cultural imposition not innate, not destiny. Gender nonconforming people are proof of this.

9) Worked with and hung out with a few QT people. Their male and female socialization respectively were obvious as was their sex.

10) Depends on the person. But the fact that many Gc choose to remain anonymous to avoid, death threats, rape threats, doxxing, losing employment and literally being attacked is telling. I'm quite content being on the side that doesn't hang dead rats on a women's rape crisis shelter.

11) They're the saner version of QT, but still not quite sane enough.

12) It's not personal. I am not okay with men in women's single sex spaces, no matter how they personally identify. It's not because you are trans, it's because you're male. Women have a right to dignity, privacy and safety. As long as we live in the world where men commit roughly 95% more violent and sexual crimes than women, we need single sex spaces. I'd be much more okay with unisex spaces if men's rate of violence and sexual harassment were as low as women's. I don't see that happening anytime soon, so single sex spaces are a great way to make life significantly better and less dangerous for women in the meantime.

[–]peakingatthemomentTranssexual (natal male), HSTS 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

1) Why are you GC or QT?

I’m mostly GC. It makes more sense and I really don’t like how pushy QT is. I don’t think I can be entirely GC though unless I like retransitioned/de-identified or stopped using women’s spaces and those things aren’t realistic.

2) Were you ever on the opposite side? (Ex. Went from GC to QT or QT to GC?)

Not really... I did read some Judith Butler in college, but it was difficult to understand. I did used to feel like I was real though, but I stopped after I met other trans people and became super disillusioned.

3) How do you define "man" and "woman"?

A man is an adult human male and a woman is an adult human female.

4) Transwoman are...Transmen are...

Males or females who transition. It doesn’t change our sex though.

5) What are your thoughts on the term "cis", "natal" and "biological"?

I really don’t like “cis”. I feel trans people became so much more pushy when “cis” started being used. Natal or biological are sometimes necessary to explain people’s history. I feel like QT is responsible for muddying the language so we have to use them more though. Like, if I just way I am a transsexual male, QT people will think transman, so you have to use something to make it clear.

6) Do you believe transmen can play in sports with biological men and vice-versa---can transwomen play in sports with biological women?

Not safely or fairly I don’t think. If transmen want to participate in sports with biological men that seems fine, although it might be risky. I wouldn’t want to tell them they couldn’t though unless men were against it.

7) What is considered misgendering?

In this space, misgendering is when you use sex-based pronouns or words like woman/man to a trans person who doesn’t want those words used for them.

8) Gender is...and sex is...

Gender is a set of behaviors associated with a certain sex. Sex is the biological path our bodies begin on before birth towards being able to have sperm or eggs.

9) Do you know people in real life that are QT if you're GC or that are GC if you're QT? Are they friends or family?

I’m basically closet GC. It’s not really possible for me to express those views I don’t think. I work in Human Resources and we are super QT, respecting all identities, etc. so I feel like I’d be fired if I expressed any views that were questioning anything. My friends are QT or at least think we should go along to make everyone feel better so I’d be nervous to bring it up.

10) How do people normally treat you based in your views?

GC women I talk with online usually project a lot of views on to me for being trans. GC spaces spend a lot of time focusing on certain types of trans people and it doesn’t represent all of us.

11) Are transmedicalist GC, QT, or neither?

Either QT or neither. I feel like it’s mostly a virtue signaling thing in online spaces.

12) What is one thing you wish the other side knew about your position?

I wish QT could understand than GC doesn’t mean anti-trans. Some people who use that label are anti-trans, but ideas themselves aren’t. Me as a child and other gender nonconforming kids would really have as easier time in a world where gender was less important or we were taught we could be however regardless of sex.

[–]peakingatthemomentTranssexual (natal male), HSTS 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

1) What is your sexual orientation?

Gay. People see me and my relationship as straight though so I don’t currently have any challenges that gay men sometimes face.

2) Are you a transman/transwoman or a biological man/woman?

Transsexual male, transwoman, biological male, etc.

3) What region are you from?(North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa)

North America

4) Feel free to share your background story here of how you became GC or QT.

I don’t really feel like retelling, but I’ve been on the debate sub for like 3ish years.

[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hi ya'll! It's been a minute. Back with a discreet username because it's a tumultuous world out there.

1) & 2) I'm GC because gender is nonsense. I did read QT in college and never vibed with it (the only Postmodernist I respect is Gadamer, whom no one reads).

3) Man = adult human male, Woman = adult human female.

4) Transwomen are men therapeutically presenting as female, ditto transmen wrt male.

5) "Cis" is politicized bullshit, also logically inaccurate. "Natal" and "biological" are necessary in trans discussion due to language limitations.

6) I'm a third-option supporter. I believe trans athletes can and should participate in open leagues (where safe). For highly competitive sports where biological advantage can't be mitigated, T is banned, or female athletes are at high injury risk, no -- we need sex-based competition classes.

7) Misgendering is socially cruel viz. transmeds with GD who are making good faith efforts to assimilate. Re aggressive self-ID advocates - all bets are off. (I don't go there, but they're courting disaster.)

8) Gender is an invented social organizing principle and long past its shelf date. (It's a human construct, not an innate part of the psyche.) Sex is biologically dimorphic to our species.

9) I do know QT people irl.

10) I'm treated well based on my views. (I'm Socratic af tho so people don't tend to engage me unless they've got a solid argument.)

11) Are transmedicalists GC, QT, or neither?

From their own POV? You'd have to ask them. I've known a number of GC-leaning transmeds (meaning the act of interrogating gender, not the original RadFem principle).

12) What I wish the other side knew . . .

GD is not diagnostic endgame. Other factors are in play (not least of which that gender is outdated and manipulative, and a lot of people aren't going to be able to function within its schema and simultaneously feel sane and healthy).

I'm empathetic with transmeds whose best working diagnosis is GD, because progress in mental healthcare is seriously lagging (when not openly exploited) and they're navigating reality as best they can.

I'm not in favor of meds and confirmation surgeries for minors. Full stop. (I know a good deal about anatomy & physiology, developmental neurology, and yes, I know what "off-label" means. Ask me instead about Cochrane Reviews.)

I'll leave the bonus questions untouched and remain all mysterious. 🐙

[–]wokuspokus 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1) GC, as I believe sex us immutable and gender is a social construct that harms both men and women. 2) I was quietly supportive of QT having not read a thing apart from that ‘TERFs are Nazis’ and hadn’t really thought about it. Guess I fully subscribed to ‘be nice’. Saw some tweets about TW in women’s sport, thought ‘What the fresh hell?’, peaked pretty hard and now am very GC.

3)Man: An adult human who underwent the developmental pathway in the womb to have the biological structures evolved to produce sperm.

Woman: An adult human who underwent the developmental pathway in the womb to have the biological structures evolved to produce eggs.

4) Simply, transwoman are men; transmen are women. TW are men presenting as women, TM are women presenting as men. I think trans is due to the harmful idea of gender with homophobia mixed in. If society just accepted people as themselves instead of forcing them to be masculine or feminine we wouldn’t have this mess.

5) Cis makes us a subset of ‘women’. I get a ‘move over for the superior type of woman’ vibe. Hate the term. Natal and biological I use when I need to clarify I don’t mean trans (usually natal as it’s shorter). I’d rather just use ‘women’ for natal women and transmen and ‘men’ for natal men and transwomen but that isn’t clear usually in this debate.

6) My view in this is complex. In competitive or full contact sport: men, transwomen (both biological males) and transmen (equivalent to women on T) compete together. Women compete against women. In the case of a transman who DOES NOT take T (so a natal woman who identifies as a man but does not make any changes to her body)- they compete with women. My view on non-contact, non-competitive sport (this includes training for a team who play in a league) it’s up to the individual people. I.e. a women’s football team that is in a league. To me, a transwoman would be okay to train with us, provided all club members are comfortable (this question would have to be asked anonymously) but not okay to play in league matches. My reasoning for this is that sport is good for mental health and no-one loses out because of the transwoman’s presence.

7) Using pronouns that don’t align with someone’s self-defined gender. I’m really caught between the lines here. I absolutely subscribe to the ‘pronouns are Rohypnol’ school of thought. If I’m communicating with people I know are GC, I will sex people correctly. I cannot bring myself to lie- I will not say a man is a woman or vv. This means I use ‘they’ for trans people a lot- I’m a uni student, known GCers are very few and far between, so most company is assumed to be QT until found to be otherwise. I find wokes accept this as ‘I’m not sure which pronoun this person likes so I will try not to offend’ and you get away with it. One told the preferred pronoun this could definitely ‘out’ me as GC, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

8) Gender is stereotypes that harm both men and women. Sex is male or female, determined by the biological structures you possess and what gametes they evolved to produce.

9) I know a shitload of QT (I’m at university, they’re everywhere). They’re friends (I’m not out GC, and intend to keep it that way until I have to out myself).

10) My friends (except for some close friends) don’t know I’m GC. Those close friends- one of them sarcastically said something ‘rather terfy’, so I outed myself in confidence. But they know to keep quiet and doubly so to not out me (they’re both male and are aware that GC women are treated much worse than GC men).

11) I’d say more neither. They don’t believe gender is a spectrum or in self ID só not QT at all. They still subscribe to the concept of ‘gender’ however so they cannot be GC. I think they’re a third ideology in this debate. They align more closely with GC, but their beliefs are distinctly different. Being anti-QT does not make you GC, it means our ideals have some alignment.

12) Probably that we don’t think transwomen are predators.

Extras: Bi, British, natal woman. Kinda shared my beterfening in Q2.

[–]worried19 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1) I'm GC because I believe the construct of gender is socially harmful. Gender has harmed me. It's caused stress and turmoil in my life. I think society would be much better off without it. That's why I'm a gender abolitionist. I don't want people to be bound to stereotypes and roles based on the genitals and chromosomes they happen to get born with.

2) I was somewhat QT for a while. I'd always been a moderate, but I didn't know anything about trans issues until I started reading up on them around age 19. I had considered transition for myself due to social distress and spent a while trying to find a gender label that fit me. When I discovered GC thought, my obsession with trying to find a label for myself ended. It gave me a measure of peace, finally, with my biological sex. I used to call myself GC-leaning until the banwave on Reddit happened. What turned me full GC was the fact that the trans movement has gotten more and more extreme. There's no room for moderation. Unless you agree with every single talking point, you're an evil "TERF." So I finally decided fuck it, I'm "the enemy" in their eyes even though I don't hate them or wish them ill. I may as well embrace being a moderate GC person.

3) Adult human male and adult human female, with perhaps an "honorary" category for transsexuals who make good-faith efforts to transition as best they are able.

4) Trans women are natal males who feel severe discomfort and dysphoria related to their biological sex characteristics and therefore feel the need to pursue medical transition to live a happy life. Trans men are the same, only in reverse.

5) I don't like "cis." I don't feel like it applies to me. "Natal" and "biological" are perfectly good terms in my book.

6) I think any natal woman should be able to compete against men if she wants to, trans or not. I played on boys' sports teams growing up. Unfortunately, due to the irreversible effects of testosterone along with other biological differences, I do not believe it's safe or fair for trans women to compete against biological women in most sports. I think a good compromise would be coed sports or special leagues for trans people.

7) Misgendering is when you think the person you're talking to is the opposite sex to what they actually are. Maybe that's mis-sexing. I'm mis-sexed on a regular basis because I'm 6'1", have short hair, and dress in men's clothes. Misgendering is also not recognizing that a trans person is trans or wanting to pass as the opposite sex.

8) Gender is social and cultural. Sex is biological. Gender is imaginary. Sex is real. Gender is harmful. Sex is a neutral fact of existence.

9) Not really. I live in a conservative area. People around here don't talk about gender stuff. There must be some QT people, but the topic doesn't come up.

10) Not something I advertise. Most people around here would agree with my views on trans topics, but they'd base it on religion, not feminism. I don't talk about gender issues with my friends. My partner knows, and he agrees with me.

11) Transmedicalists are the sane, moderate QTs. Some of them might be GC-leaning, the ones who don't feel they actually are the opposite sex.

12) That I don't hate trans people. I've never hated trans people. I sincerely want all transsexuals to lead happy, fulfilling lives free of discrimination. I want them to be safe. I think they should have the option to transition as mature adults and want the medical establishment to provide them with proper therapy and inform them of the risks of any medical procedures they choose to undergo. I don't want society to return to the days when trans people were relegated to the margins. I want them to be fully integrated into society.

Extra (optional--Put N/A if you choose not to answer, it's okay)

1) I'm only attracted to men, which I guess makes me heterosexual. I have some hang-ups about my sexual orientation, but even though I had massive doubt and confusion about gender, my sexual attractions were always crystal clear to me.

2) I'm a biological female. I call myself a woman based on that.

3) I'm from the USA. Born in a small town in a rural area, currently living in a small, conservative city.

4) My background story was basically finding r/GenderCritical on Reddit. I can't remember how I found them exactly. I think I was looking for people who were against BDSM, and the rest of Reddit is extremely pro-kink. Radical feminists were the only people I could find speaking out against it. Anyway, I started lurking for the anti-BDSM and other feminist content. I thought they were mean and hateful about trans people at first, but I kept reading. Then I started learning about child transition, mostly due to the 4thwavenow blog. That was really what peaked me. As things began to get more and more extreme, I finally abandoned my middle ground position and took a stand in favor of GC. The issues that concern me most are hormones and surgeries being given to children, corporate and media and legal censorship, and the skyrocketing numbers of GNC women and girls who are disavowing the female sex.

[–]theory_of_thisan actual straight crossdresser 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

hey I'm dropping by

) Why are you GC or QT?

I guess I'm closer to qt but often I seem to be out on my own on opinions. lol

Maybe qualified qt, closer to trans realist, with a component view of gender.

Basically more essentialist than either side here.

2) Were you ever on the opposite side? (Ex. Went from GC to QT or QT to GC?)

Always slightly heretical.

3) How do you define "man" and "woman"?

I'd go with biology and go with biology sometimes being socially complicated.

4) Transwoman are...Transmen are...

I mean I'd respect their rights to identify.

Often seems besides the point.

5) What are your thoughts on the term "cis", "natal" and "biological"?

Seem pretty useful for discussing this.

6) Do you believe transmen can play in sports with biological men and vice-versa---can transwomen play in sports with biological women?

I think trans people in sport are going to hit some basic issues. Which will often mean it's probably not a good idea. That's tough.

7) What is considered misgendering?

Using gendered language for people that prefer the other gender due to a trans condition?

8) Gender is...and sex is...

The interesting questions.

I think gender often means the social aspects.

I don't think the social aspects can be abolished.

Reshaped? Yes. But it's never going away.

9) Do you know people in real life that are QT if you're GC or that are GC if you're QT? Are they friends or family?

I've known most are "liberal," a lot are brosocialist, some radical feminists, but a lot are conservative, or de facto conservatives.

Certainly male gender non conformity can't really be discussed. Often it's tolerate but "lol freaks."

10) How do people normally treat you based in your views?

I try to avoid commenting anything too controversial either way.

Certainly people just knowing I'm a crossdresser is highly socially dangerous. So I can't appear to know more on the topic. That looks "gay" or suspect, "a healthy male doesn't have opinions on gender."

11) Are transmedicalist GC, QT, or neither?


I figure there are more than 2 factions in this.

Indeed I keep meaning to make a post here merely to debate the actual multiple factions and positions.

12) What is one thing you wish the other side knew about your position?

So much.

Maybe I'd start with, it's not about porn. I may go to "fetish" clubs but porn never played any role in the formation.

Extra (optional--Put N/A if you choose not to answer, it's okay) 1) What is your sexual orientation?

Straight male.

But as a crossdresser I probably don't count as a normal straight male.

2) Are you a transman/transwoman or a biological man/woman?


3) What region are you from?(North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa)

Scotland. Hello Rowling :)

4) Feel free to share your background story here of how you became GC or QT.

As a crossdresser, firstly gender is a fascinating topic. Even if it is highly politically charged.

I spent a long time trying to work things out about the why, not the what.

I could never quiet fully agree with qt. I was always too essentialist. And I'd concede to the complications.

But too essentialist for liberal tastes.

In that sense when I saw other crossdressers saying "It's only fashion" and personality I'd be skeptical. That doesn't mean I identify as trans or anyone ought to. But it is to do with gender. It looks related.

If someone is selecting behaviours and expressions of the opposite gender, they are doing a selection that others make, called "gender." Humans are deeply social creatures. Gender is social activity that people carry out personally.

[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Indeed I keep meaning to make a post here merely to debate the actual multiple factions and positions.

Please do!

[–][deleted]  (42 children)


    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (16 children)

    We aren’t killing people. This accusation needs to stop being bandied about as if we’re holding guns to people’s heads or actively encouraging people to kill themselves.

    Do you not see how bizarre it is to blame someone who cannot even vote on the laws you’re upset about? We don’t make things happen via thoughts. Our ideas do not kill people.

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (15 children)

    Ideas and the hostile environments created by those ideas can definitely kill people.

    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (14 children)

    Lmao that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Ideas do not do anything let alone kill. I beg you to get a clue.

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 7 fun1 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 7 fun -  (13 children)

    More ableism. Also yes they do, see religion.

    [–]BiologyIsReal[M] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

    Don't start reporting everything again...

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 7 fun1 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 7 fun -  (3 children)

    It was clearly ableism. Is that not against the rules?

    [–]BiologyIsReal[M] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    Saying an idea (not people) is dumb is not being ableist...

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 7 fun1 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 7 fun -  (1 child)

    You don’t think that “dumb” is an ableist slur and that to use it in a negative manner increases the stigma felt by differently people when its used against them?

    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

    It’s not ableism. You’re the one jumping to assume any word that indicates a lack of intelligence or logic is an attack on anyone with a disability.

    Also, continually telling autistic people what they can and cannot say can be considered ableism.

    On topic, people acting on ideas is something else. When you pretend there’s no difference between actions, words, ideas, or anything because some 14th century dickhead said so, the differences don’t actually go away.

    An idea is not an action. An idea has no physical form and cannot cause death. There is no such thing as being murdered by a thought.

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 2 insightful - 7 fun2 insightful - 6 fun3 insightful - 7 fun -  (6 children)

    You cannot use an ableist slur like “dumb” or “stupid” without contributing to ableism

    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

    Have, had, and will continue to do so.

    Dumb has nothing to do with disabilities. Stop telling a disabled woman how to speak about having a disability, and what is and isn’t a slur to people like myself. :)

    Btw the diversion is weak. How does an idea kill someone?

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (3 children)

    Disabled people can still be ableist.

    An example has already been given for how ideas can hurt people.

    [–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

    Your example does not work in the slightest, since it’s actually people acting on ideas, and not ideas that are harmful.

    You’re being ableist telling me how I can and can’t speak about terms used to describe my own disability. Maybe you could take a second off of being a self appointed champion that none of us want and listen when disabled people tell you things.

    [–]ZveroboyAlinaIs clownfish a clown or a fish? 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Those are not ableist slurs, because even genius can be dumb or stupid. With very big stretch you can say that "idiot" or "moron" can be slurs - because those are names of conditions, but those words have different meaning, not just names of conditions, so it will be still a stretch.

    [–]BiologyIsReal[M] 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (19 children)

    Remove the part accusing GC of killing trans people because of our positions, Heimdekledi. It was agreed that such kind of accusations without proof will be against the rules.

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (18 children)

    [–]AlexisK 6 insightful - 5 fun6 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 5 fun -  (15 children)

    Is this a joke?

    There was one guy, who threatened to do suicide if me and my girlfriend refused to have sex with him. After that next day he attempted suicide and almost died, but was saved by doctors.

    So by not having threesome on his demand I was murdering him? Suicide threats is one of common tactics of abusers and of coercive control over women in abusive relationships.

    Anyways, about your link - how exactly "doing sports with your sex group" is "murdering" that person? Why doing sports with opposite sex is saving life, but doing the very same sports with your sex is murdering that person? And with your aim to abolish gender and making it unisex - what the difference then, in both cases person will play with their sex in the end?

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (14 children)

    The situations are not comparable. You can’t be expected to have sex with someone at their whim, but you can be expected not to interfere in something which causes no harm to cis women and girls.

    [–]AlexisK 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (13 children)

    Pretty comparable situations: "You all do as I want, even if you don't like it, or I will kill myself (or someone else)".

    which causes no harm

    Taking away scholarships from girls of color or girls in poverty is not "no harm".

    Hubbard, 42 years old white millionaire, who was previously men's weightlifter, transitioned and easily with big margin won first place in OCE competition in weightlifting, this took away scholarship and chances for better education from 19-20 years old woman of color.

    This is an actual harm.

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (12 children)

    Taking away scholarships from girls of color or girls in poverty is not "no harm".

    The winner of the scholarship will always do this to someone. The winner being a poor trans girl of color does nothing but alter who the first runner up will be. I more interested in getting rid of sports scholarships (which are hugely unfair no matter who wins) and introducing free public colleges.

    So therefore there was no harm done that wasn’t already present if a trans girl happens to win a scholarship.

    [–]AlexisK 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (11 children)

    The winner of the scholarship will always do this to someone

    So lets make all sports unisex, right? Women and girls do not deserve fair competition, do not deserve being in top 5000. Someone will always lose anyways, so why even bother to give fair chances to women?

    Poor transgirl of color can try hard and win male competition. While poor girl of color can try hard and still lose to just average transgirl.

    It is not fair. If chances are not equal, if there no chances at all - regardless of how you try - then it is not even remotely fair.

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (10 children)

    No sports are fair, but including trans girls does not make it more unfair

    [–]AlexisK 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (9 children)

    It makes it much more unfair for "girls born female". It makes it impossible in any serious competition for "people born female" to win at all. It makes it much more dangerous for "people born female" in close contact sports like Rugby or boxing.

    You know that CeCe Telfer only improved their time after transition? So CeCe could still compete against men with no issues. CeCe was 200th in men's category with CeCe's best time, and then CeCe only improved time, so could be maybe 150th now, and not 1st in women's category, while being 8-10% faster than second girl in same category. And 9-12% time difference is exactly time difference between best men and women in respective categories. In running male and female world records are around that difference too.

    So yes, it is making it much more unfair for "girls born female". It makes it almost meaningless to even try to compete for "girls born female", as there would not be even a chance to win - regardless how hard they try.

    [–]BiologyIsReal 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    That is your proof? You're being disingenous here. Nobody is preventing trans identified people to play sports. They are just being asked to compete according to their sex because is sex, not "gender identity", what matters in sports. If you don't think that males have an athletic advantage over females, then tell me where are all the females who identify as trans winning against males in sports?

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

    [–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    You are killing us with your support of anti-trans legislation.

    Oh, please. I've Seen Dead PeopleTM . This is not happening.

    If you're having actual suicidal ideation, seek professional help immediately. If not -- enough with the manipulative rhetoric.

    [–]BiologyIsReal[M] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I'm going to ask you this only once more, remove the part accusing GC of killing trans people because of our positions. If by Sunday you haven't done it yet, I'm going to delete the whole comment.

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

    Just so you’re aware I wasn't on the site at all so I didn’t see this comment or the others in time

    [–]comradeconradical 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    So you call yourself a "TIRF (Trans Inclusive Radical Feminist)" but you don't consider biological sex a thing beyond that you call "Sex traits"? And you see societal categories of sex stereotypes as more primary than reproductive reality? Sorry but how is that radical feminist at all? What about your views align with radical feminism?

    [–]HeimdeklediROAR 1 insightful - 7 fun1 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

    Because I consider the patriarchy and more specifically the kyriarchy to be the root of oppression against women.