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[–]MarkTwainiac 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I remember a GC told me that definition is only true for males, because females come with all the gametes, and just release them, they don't produce gametes.

It was I who said that. Also, to be precise, I said that female humans are born with all our eggs intact - I didn't say it about any other animals or plants. I am not versed in what happens in all sexually reproducing species, just somewhat familiar with what happens in humans.

Further, I didn't say that female humans "just release" our eggs, I said we mature and release them. The maturation process is of prime importance, and it's pretty complex.

BTW, I have contacted a number of biologists and persons who write/talk about biology about the bias I think is inherent in the choice to use the "produce gametes" lingo. IMO, it represents a mindset that sees the male of the human species as the default and the norm. But no one has ever replied to my concerns so far. Perhaps in the future...