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[–]SnowAssMan 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

If trans-men can handle men's spaces, so can trans-womxyn. The latter is not more vulnerable to men than the former.

There are men who have actual breasts, they have to deal with the same problem, except they didn't choose it. Re-categorising them as women would be just as stupid a "solution".

My point was that you are grouping men with a cross-gender self identification with women and that’s bad. "trans panic" = "gay panic", same thing.

far fewer trans-womxyn or gay men or effeminate men or trans-men will harm women with that grouping than men would harm trans-womxyn, gay men, effeminate men, trans-men the other way – there, I corrected it for you. Those protections were made for women, not everyone but women.

There is no excuse for parasitic activism.

[–]MezozoicGaygay male 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

far fewer trans-womxyn or gay men or effeminate men or trans-men will harm women with that grouping than men would harm trans-womxyn, gay men, effeminate men, trans-men the other way – there, I corrected it for you. Those protections were made for women, not everyone but women.

By the crime statistics in the USA and UK, it is few times more likely that stranger transwoman will attack woman than stranger man will attack transwoman. Same with sexual crimes statistics. In the UK only 70 women (out of 3400 women in prison, out of 33 million women) are in prison for sexual offense, in most cases it is prostitution or molesting of youth, almost never it is attack on other women or on grown up men. At the same time there are 60 transwomen in UK prisons (our of 128 transwomen in prison, out of estimated 70 thousand transwomen, our of estimated 500 thousand transgenders (non-binary, transmen, transwomen, agender, and so on) in general) who are in prison for sexual assault, in this case majority are sitting for rape. Only 3 transmen were in prison at the same time, and none for violent crimes. There are 33 million men in UK, and 77 thousand men in prisons, with around 15 thousand being for sexual assault. There were more cases of transwomen in female prisons attacking or raping women in female prisons yearly than women attacking or raping women in female prisons in decade. Nothing strange here, actually, as majority of women in prisons are for non-violent and non-agressive crimes, so it is just mostly casual calm people who not paid fees, while majority of transwomen in prisons are either abusers "fake trans" (men who decided to become trans after getting into the prison, and then again becoming men when get out of jail) or transwomen sitting for violent crimes. Transwomen in general showing same behavioral patterns and crime patterns as men, and transmen as women, at least in such cases.

Safest way will be housing transwomen, gay men and gnc men in one branch of male prison, like it was done in some countries already, and not in female prisons.

Women's safe spaces were created because some men were violent and almost never women. And because of some men - all men were prohibited from entering women's safe spaces. As someone already said: "not all men are rapists, majority are not, but almost all rapists are men". Same should be applied here for transwomen.