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[–]SnowAssMan 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)


Well we know that effeminate men exist. 'Femininity' is sometimes naturally occurring. If they were to embrace their feminine side then they'd be living as their true self. Our culture may have come up with femininity & everything that defines it, but it would make sense that 0.1% of the population happens to naturally be what our culture has defined as feminine. What doesn't make sense is that 52% of the population just so happen to be born that way too.

In the past pink was for boys & they used to wear dresses until they were 'breeched'. So what if our culture exchanged everything that defines femininity with everything that defines masculinity, would all "cis" people become gender dysphoric? They would if gender was innate & not a social construct.

[–]MarkTwainiac 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Well we know that effeminate men exist. 'Femininity' is sometimes naturally occurring. If they were to embrace their feminine side then they'd be living as their true self. Our culture may have come up with femininity & everything that defines it, but it would make sense that 0.1% of the population happens to naturally be what our culture has defined as feminine. What doesn't make sense is that 52% of the population just so happen to be born that way too.

I don't think it's accurate to describe these men as "effeminate" or displaying "femininity." Males who don't conform to rigid concepts of masculinity are often described as effeminate and feminine - but the people making those characterizations seem mostly to be other men, and women who parrot this terminology without examining and challenging it.

Lots of boys and men think not being masculine is the same as having characteristics typical or common amongst the female half of the human race. But if you look look at these supposedly feminine and effeminate men and the majority of the world's girls and women, I don't think you'll find that this is the case.

Men who are characterized as "effeminate" and "feminine" in their own eyes and the eyes of other men tend to be flamboyant, vain, histrionic, attention-seeing, narcissistic, overly concerned with their appearance, prickly, with forceful personalities and an exaggerated squeamishness and delicacy. They tend to be grandiose self-pleasers, not shrinking violet other-pleasers. These guys are not shy, self-effacing, blend-into-the-background, put-themselves-last, self-sacrificing types who are focused on caring for and catering to others the way so many girls and women have been brought up to be. These men are not quick to swallow their anger or to shut up and "know their place" the way so many women and girls have been raised to be. These men don't spend their days worrying about not giving offense and trying to suss out whether everyone around them is happy, fed, clean and warm the way women and girls are taught to do from the get-go.

As far as I can tell, there's been no trend of all these supposedly feminine and effeminate men in droves entering the helping occupations that are predominated by women. Huge numbers of these guys aren't champing at the bit to become cleaners, nursery or elementary school teachers, or carers whose days are filled with wiping the snotty noses, drooling mouths and shitty asses of small children and the elderly and infirm. They don't aspire to be administrative assistants or cashiers. They want to work in showbiz, design, the arts. They see themselves as above "women's work."

[–]questioningtw 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah this is a really, REALLY good point. Nursing is pretty damn female dominate, yet you would never hear a male nurse called feminine or …same with teaching.