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[–]transwomanHesitantly QT? 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not sure what's imprecise about my language. I define gender and sex as two completely separate things that are arbitrarily linked for the purposes of sex-based oppression alone. Why would I intentionally replace the world "gender" with "sex" in my last reply if these things are not remotely synonyms? "Sex roles" and "gender" could be swapped interchangeably, but of course I want to make sex roles meaningless too, that still fits into my argument. Here are the current definitions of gender as they exist today in a social sense:

1) Gender: A socially constructed categorization of sex roles, expressions, stereotypes, and expressions.

2) Biological sex: A biological categorization based roughly on chromosomes, phenotypical/secondary sex characteristics, external genitalia, gamete production, and reproductive anatomy (male/female)

Currently, the only "pragmatic" use for the concept of gender is to oppress women, trans people, and gender non-conforming people. To me, this isn't truly pragmatic because oppression should definitely not be considered of use to society in any manner. To many, however, it is pragmatic because they mostly benefit from this system (i.e. natal men).

Because of this, I am proposing a solution that, over time, would remove this subjective pragmatic use of gender in its current state as an oppressive force. My solution is to redefine gender out of existence. Make it a circular definition for all I care, as long as it goes away, I could not care less how it is defined. Here is my proposed new definition, since I apparently wasn't clear enough before:

1) Gender: A person's identity in relation to the pronouns said person describes themselves with (Example: A woman is someone who identifies as a woman. A man is someone who identifies as a man).
2) Biological sex: Unchanged

Admittedly, this is a very broad definition, but it is done intentionally. I want the idea of gender to be so abstract that it becomes meaningless and unpragmatic. As I said before, I want ketchup and mustard genders. In this world of gender meaninglessness, biological sex still remains a scientific reality. I am not proposing any changes to biological sex, or saying it isn't real. Sex is immutable, and unchanging.

If you need me to clarify and more terms, I would be glad to. I think most of the contention between gender critical and queer theory is semantics, but I am definitely happy to clarify any confusion in my argument.