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[–]ZvezdaRussian[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I think the main drive of communism was the community sense, that everyone was working towards a common goal and mistakes that one person made were picked up by everyone. It was very rare to get fired in the Soyuz and the Workers Unions were very strongly bonded. Reading literature was heavily encouraged (albeit not anti communist works) and I think while the Government might not have encouraged further growth, Society as a whole did and it was seen as idiotic to be a drunken bastard or to not have read Gogol or Pushkin Or Yesenin Or Whatever other Russian Guy and to be uneducated in a Country that offered such a high level of Education was seen as blatantly wrong. People would always encourage you to read and learn about things.

Not just because of that, but it was a leading factor.

I on purpose do not listen to LBGNABDJKFNL arguments because I refuse to listen to them. In my country it is true, they are irrelevant but My English Friend has been telling me many things about the western way of life. According to him, many kids as young as 11 identify as LGLMNDMLNFL and put ridiculous pronouns like Xe/Xim in their descriptions on Instagram. Social Acceptance is very very high there and its commonly spoken about in schools, apparentely there are also LDFKLNSD CLUBS!!! Indoctrination at its finest.

That sounds idiotic. Was that Serbia, Or countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina / Croatia / Slovenia?

That is unfortunate, I am happy normal trade has been resumed :D. Do you think the EU is a terrorist organisation like NATO?

Yes I meant to ask in your opinion if you think it is a country or not. I personally do not believe it to be a country, I wanted to get your opinion :D.

What about the Different sects of Christianity like Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism? Also, what do you think about Judaism?

[–]sceptic_poetic_11000 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

It wasn't only Serbia, other Yugoslav countries are in it too. Maybe not only Yugoslav.

EU = USSR. I see so much things in common.

What about different sects of Christianity? They're all fine by me.

Judaism? I prefer even some radical forms of Islam.

[–]ZvezdaRussian[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I see. Why are they so disliked by the EU?

They are fairly similar but the EU is worse I think. Aswell as the fact, that the СССР didn't fund terrorists while the EU and NATO both have.

I understand, what do you think about the specific type of people that follow those sects? (For each specific one I mean)

What about non-Talmudic Jews that are not Zionists or Jews that dislike the current Israeli government?

[–]sceptic_poetic_11000 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Like I said, it all depends on German geopolitics.

USSR was funding terrorists too. Maybe you don't remember Carlos the Jackal and his group.

Well, speaking in general, Eastern Christianity is more based on apophatic theology (spirituality and mysticism), and with Catholicism and Protestantism focus is more on cataphatic (where they believe there is a higher meaning to their lives and it gives extra degree of order to their societies). Personally, I prefer the first one.

They could be Jews, but they would need to dislike many more things than Israeli government or Talmud. How can you trust people that were expelled from their homeland for 2000 years and that mutilate their own boys?

[–]ZvezdaRussian[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

All of the SSSR terrorism are just allegations or faked by the USA. A grand total of 0 have been proven. And if you count terrorism as "groups who took over their country from American Control" then the SSSR has funded terrorists. But it would be stupid to think like that.

Even if any of that bullshit somehow happened to be "proven" one day, The USA has been and still is the uncontested world leader in funding terrorism. They were funding terrorists in Afghanistan, Funded the terrorists that did 9/11, Funded the Anti-Assad terrorists and faked chemical weapon attacks and so on. Even in Kuwait they faked a witness testimony to justify razing Iraq and Hussein. They have been funding anti-government protests in almost every country ever, Including recently Syria and associated with the Arab Spring, Heavily funded Ukraine to hate Russia and sent a CIA spy to Russia to stir up More protests and to destabilize the country. Just take a look at this!

I prefer the first one as well :)

I think it comes down to a personal thing. The large majority of Jewish people support their Government and the writings of the Talmud, which makes me dislike them. But the few exceptions I have met have given me a certain level of okayness with Jewish people. A lot of the non-talmudic ones I have met dislike circumcision and accept the fact that their people have done many bad things. It all comes down to a personal level, I highly doubt you would act much differently to a person you knew was Jewish than to a person who was American or similar in real life.