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It's always Gender equality until the price must be paid.... Yet then they get a free ride.
submitted 3 years ago by RuckusChan from
Duke professor blames white men for white female professors impersonating women of color. Totally ignored in this analysis, of course, is why white men who start identifying as white women are celebrated rather than vilified for taking academic spots from actual women.
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
Eating their own: [Feminist] Oxford Professor given bodyguards after threats from transgender activists
submitted 4 years ago by useless_aether from
We don’t speak of toxic femininity—and I don’t believe we should—but if we were to imagine the worst manifestation of typically female attributes, I think it would look a lot like today’s social justice culture.
submitted 3 years ago by Chipit from
'Why I submit to my husband like it's 1959'
submitted 4 years ago by useless_aether from
Male privilege is scientifically measurable via the Matrix of Domination. "Although Powell obtains the characteristics of a person that may not face oppression (upper-class, middle-aged, male), he is still discriminated against because of his race" Scroll to: Intersectionality of Gender & Class
submitted 4 years ago by SnowAssMan from
Wife The Horror I Witnessed Inside the Women’s “liberation” Movement.
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
‘Girls Need Female Role Models’ and Other Bromides
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Doctor Who is full of misandREEEEE!
submitted 4 years ago by SnowAssMan from self.Feminism
Here is the transcript of a feminist Youtube video, by a girl who was bullied off the platform by a bunch of old, male creeps. It's called: I'm a TERF & you probably are too
Feminists must abandon their delusions about the sexual revolution
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Watch this powerful talk by Chilean feminist Ariel Pereira about her experiences transitioning and detransitioning. Would you keep silent when people around you were insisting that nothing is better for young people than to celebrate and affirm gender identity, no hard questions asked?
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
Feminism: Beating a dead horse
submitted 3 years ago by TheJamesRocket from
Do Japanese women make better wives? American girls shun Japanese brides.
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
Joe Biden Killed The #MeToo Movement
submitted 4 years ago by sproketboy from
How Feminism Ruins Movies
Feminists PANIC Over Women Abandoning Feminism Because Men Won't Date Feminists
submitted 4 years ago by Tarrock from
Feminists wanted equality right up until it meant they were going to have to be drafted. "Efforts to draft America’s daughters for war is the perfect example of how the left’s quest for dissolving the distinctions between men and women in the name of “equality” is in fact anti-woman."
submitted 2 years ago by Chipit from
Excuse me, but is there a thing feminism doesn't ruin?
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from self.Feminism
Yes, I am transphobic, and you made me this way.
submitted 1 year ago by jet199 from
The misogynist left and the women who protect it.
MGTOW: Symptom of a Dysfunctional Society. MGTOW is a symptom of women being the authority of the family and children by threat of law. It isn't a boycott of women, it's a boycott of reversed gender roles and the damage feminism has caused.
You can't trust any research from lobby groups. Always check where the numbers are coming from.
submitted 3 years ago by jet199 from
Right wing chads are pretending to be woke to date women and feminists are MAD. Vice talks about 'wokefishing' and how feminists and woke women are getting duped. Eventually a lot of these women resentfully admit they are more attracted to Chads over soyboys who wanna wear their underwear.
Notorious MRA makes an attempt on female judge's life, kills her son & injures her husband instead – misogyny is dangerous
submitted 4 years ago by SnowAssMan from
I would like to hear from women: What are some things that you have had difficulty talking about in dogmatic feminist spaces, that you resent having to self-censor yourself about? How has this censorship affected you?
submitted 4 years ago by [deleted] from self.Feminism
French gender equality group Le Collectif 50/50 rocked by sexual assault accusation
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
According to the far left, feminists are now far right fascists. Anyone to the right of Mao Zedong is a fascist to them.
submitted 2 years ago by Chipit from
women must be the change in patriarchy. | radical feminism
submitted 3 years ago by radicalramblings from
Feminism: before and after
Jess is pissed, she knows where she falls on the hot/crazy matrix
submitted 1 year ago by jet199 from
Not Wanting to Date Women Over 35 is “Ageism”. This from a dating advice columnist who isn't married and who mostly writes about bad date after bad date she goes on.
submitted 2 years ago by Chipit from
Women vs. gendered slurs & euphemisms & feminist nomenclature
Anonymous Letter From a Terrified Lesbian. "I've never felt as shouted down, ignored, and targeted as a lesbian *within* our supposed GLBT community as I have over the past couple of years."
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
I'm literally shaking
submitted 4 years ago by useless_aether from
‘White feminists’ are under attack from other women. There can only be one winner – men
submitted 3 years ago by jet199 from
Matt Walsh on Twitter: "Seriously what is it with women having emotional meltdowns in their cars and posting it online"
submitted 3 years ago by carn0ld03 from
How to metoo a man book released on amazon
As the world burns, don’t forget about feminism. As feminists, we must hold on to our victimhood at all costs. It is the source of our strength. By Titania McGrath.
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
Women Are Biased Against Women According to New UN Study, Gender Science Has Come Full Circle
Who made up these rules, indeed.
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
The Cure for Feminism is Not More Feminism
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
These are the bad parts
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
An essay that tells of an interesting incident in 2018. A feminist talking to a group of about 100 black men happened to mention the Brett Kavanaugh episode. She was expecting anger at the fact that the Republicans had been victorious, but instead found that they sided with Kavanaugh.
submitted 2 years ago by Chipit from
Sasha White - fired for supporting women
Thank you feminism
Andrea Dworkin - Feminist Fury Personified. It's sad that she actually influenced so many people. Every time I hear 'Not all feminists' I think of how many professors taught Dworkin and praised her 'insights,' and how many failed to turn away after reading her atrocious misandrist hate.
submitted 1 year ago by Chipit from
Feminism Between the Wars: The 1920s Lesbian Scene in Paris. Some of their statements prefigure the hateful, lesbian separatist rhetoric that became popular a half century later.
submitted 2 years ago by Chipit from
Julie Bindel is scathing about the way other feminists have twisted the original Second Wave project out of recognition. She's angry about the way they have been failed by progressives: told to pole dance their way to equality, enjoy being choked during sex and shut up when a transwoman is speaking.
submitted 3 years ago by Chipit from
How Feminists Taught This Generation to Hate Men. They are basically teaching kids how to be professional bullies. Damn these feminists are Sith lords. I like how they try to portray "being strong and independent" as having a rude and undesirable personality.
submitted 3 years ago by Chipit from
We need a female reboot of the Joker
Female privilege captured in one amazing chart
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
Dating is Feminism
submitted 11 months ago by Veritas__Aequitas from
Feminism has a biology problem
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Fuckton Of Cats - feat. Rachel Bloom - 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend'
submitted 3 years ago by carn0ld03 from
Why Are Some Women Attracted to Serial Killers? This clip is taken from the Joe Rogan Experience #1614 with Tiller Russell.
In 2009, Playboy published an article called Top 10 Women We'd Like to Hate-Fuck. The twist: nobody saw anything wrong with it and the article was met with a collective shrug. Double twist: they were all women like Megyn Kelly and Michelle Malkin, so this "invites venom to be shot back at her".
submitted 3 years ago by Chipit from
Feminist Current
submitted 4 years ago by yishengqingwa666 from
Activists scared as more men won't date "woke" women. Wow, men don't like being talked down to and called evil every day by their girlfriends? Who could have seen that coming!
I know this is on the older side now, but what do you make of this "debate/interview"? I think it's kind of awkward & surface-level
Announcing women's sub /s/Gender_Critical as an alternative to /s/GenderCritical
When looking for alternatives to the criminal justice system, we need to be realistic, not idealistic. (2018, relevant today as well)
submitted 4 years ago by yellow_algebra_31 from
Two teenage girls, aged 16 and 18, 'are shot dead by family members in honour killing' in Pakistan after video surfaced showing them with a young man
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
The Greedy US Women's Soccer Team Is Actually Overpaid
70% of Coronavirus Victims Are Men - Women Most Affected, Declares Feminist
Men are far more oppressed than women are in first world countries, and have less rights and privileges
submitted 10 months ago by feminism-is-cancer from self.Feminism
Feminism was supposed to mean freeing women from oppression and inequality. Now it means shooting off Palestinian children's feet with sniper rifles.
submitted 1 year ago by Chipit from
On "toxic femininity," Twitter takedowns - and the way forward
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Lia Thomas is the Child of Feminism
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Self awareness, ladies.
TRASHING: The Dark Side of Sisterhood
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Ugly Carnival (France after ww2) Most of the French government was in collaboration with the Germans. And after the war, some cowardly fools showed how tough they were by taking it out on a few women.
submitted 3 years ago by Chipit from
Feminism Is Destroying Everything Men Like About Women. This video is a response to Vox's Glad You Asked: "Do I want Kids?" video. Vox feeding people a bunch of negative propaganda about why having kids is awful.
redpill me on girl degeneracy. what went wrong?
submitted 3 years ago by RuckusChan from
Wyoming Woman Gets 21 Months In Prison For False Accusation of Rape, Attempt To Extort Victim
submitted 3 years ago by RuckusChan from
The Curious Case of China’s Feminist Eugenicists. The country’s extremely online feminists are ditching movement building to go all-in on shaming people for their lack of ‘uterine morality.’
submitted 3 years ago by Chipit from
Believe all Angry Women. What could go wrong? ... Thank you Turd wave feminists!
submitted 3 years ago by RuckusChan from
We Want It Both Ways | Ride and Roast
submitted 3 years ago by Sw0rdofDam0cles from
Adultery, Liberty and Sex as Portal to Meaning
Gender-critical feminist: I care about the rights and safety of women, so if you disagree with me, you must be a misogynist. Trans activist: I care about the rights and safety of trans people so if you disagree with me, you are a transphobe. This is an abject failure of ideological theory of mind.
The SIMPsons (parody)
submitted 4 years ago by Sw0rdofDam0cles from
How do you confuse a feminist? Tell her she’s not allowed to make you a sandwich
Why There Won’t Be a Women’s March Showing Solidarity with the Victims in Rotherham
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
Did false rape accuser "Mattress Girl" Emma Sulkowicz get redpilled? She went on a date with a hot conservative man, he gave her Johnathan Haidt's "The Righteous Mind" to read, and she changed her bigoted views about men.
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
Why don’t "woke" feminists consider it a favor that dangerous far-right lunatic men avoid them? Because every man who forswears "woke" women is one fewer man to take a female competitor off the dating market, one fewer opportunity to balance the ratio.
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
The Misandry Myth
submitted 12 months ago by jet199 from
Don't overlook the sexual violence of Hamas
submitted 1 year ago by jet199 from
Why feminists can't get real relationships with men...
submitted 1 year ago by Alphix from
Susan Brownmiller on Rape and Male Power - The Fiamengo File 2.0. Feminist "litter-ature," as the author Florence King called it, has gone a long way to normalizing contempt for men in popular culture. Nonetheless, it could not have produced such damaging effects without being endorsed by the media.
Policing adult human females. What do left-wing feminists mean by far-right? If they mean the authoritarian exercise of power by an elite group which suppresses dissent and non-compliant conduct, then they might benefit from reflecting on their own political tactics!
submitted 2 years ago by Chipit from
Momlife Comics Feminist Gibberish. "My life is agony" cartoon with the location tag of Cape Cod is just absolute perfection. That poor husband, stuck in an emotionally abusive marriage, terrified of losing access to his kids in a "family" court.
Sorry. Inclusive Objectification Will Not Liberate You.
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Matt Walsh Reviews "Woke" Feminist Tik Tok Videos
Officer wasted her time spying on group pushing for equal pay, inquiry told
submitted 3 years ago by jet199 from
A Lady’s Duty to Submit—Then And Now. By Amy Eileen Hamm, accused of sexual assault. All Radfem writers have this bizarre characteristic of simultaneously being a perpetual victim and a perpetual bad-ass. It’s Twilight Zone stuff. The commenters have a field day tearing apart her contradictions.
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from
Women’s Liberation Radio News
submitted 4 years ago by yishengqingwa666 from
Women's Liberation Front
submitted 4 years ago by yishengqingwa666 from
Radfem 101
submitted 4 years ago by yishengqingwa666 from
Why Men Shouldn't Date Woke Women
C-plus-Equality, the feminist programming language. Inspired by the research of Arielle Schlesinger. "No class hierarchy or other stigmata of OOP (objectification-oriented programming). In fact, as an intersectional acknowledgement of Class Struggle our language will have no classes at all."
submitted 4 years ago by Chipit from