

ExplodingToasterOven 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 9 months ago

When it comes to your megabrew gutter water that's being sold as beer, you do NOT rock the fucking boat. It's all about tradition.

Granted, any drinker of light beer, you're gonna get some looks, but maybe you're just trying to cut down the carbs, and don't wanna go on to be just about whiteclaw junkie yet.. When that beer has a tranny as its poster child... Ahh fuck no!!! lol!

And I don't care what brand or region of the country it is. You might have some pocket of Hamms drinkers, Pabst drinkers, Strohs drinker, on and on and on.. You don't fuck with the brand, even though the brand is decreasing, because the same three megabrews brew all the damned brands. Someone stops drinking bud light, they drink coors light, or busch light or some other shit.

In a pinch, if they don't have your brand, you might drink something else. UNLESS its associated with some crazy shit, like trannies. Or if someone shot up a mini mall wearing some niche brand, because if they shot up a mini mall wearing Marlborough Action Wear, likely from the 90s and sourced from a thrift shop, nobody cares. Odds are they threw it on the morning before. Unless.. Said beer brand endorsed a streamer, who then shot up a mini mall. But if its FourLoco or Steel Reserve, that's par for the course. Any publicity is good publicity..