viewing revision from 5 years ago






Welcome to SaidIt's Decentralize-All-Things wiki upon which good things will follow.

This editable wiki page seems similar to a comment but for anyone to edit and contribute, including internal links (including the entire SaidIt html path) and external links to other websites.

If this wiki list grows to unwieldy we may use the uncensored wiki to add and curate content or do my own or group open-wiki-projects in coordination with this SaidIt voting discussion forum.

I've configured this Decentralize-All-Things subsaidit to my best abilities on my Brave browser. If you see any anomalies or ways I can improve it I'd be eternally grateful if you let me know at /u/JasonCarswell . Thanks in advance.

YouTube Alternatives List

Started at this post:

For mainstream corporate media as well as independent alternative media, there are countless other lists available:

This post's image used is from "10 Best YouTube Alternatives (Video Sharing Websites) for Watching Videos" (2018-11-01) on which included (my alphabetization):

They didn't mention:


Let's not forget...

Videos With Decentralization

In part or in whole, these platforms embrace some decentralization features:

revision by JasonCarswellDAT Mod— view source