Science needs funding, so funding controls the science
Science is made by people.
People with believes, biases, and a need for money and status.
Many companies are ready to give that money, and give you good opportunities if you help them by coming to the most profitable conclusions.
Like a lot of medicine, where p-hacking and cherry-picking is very common.
Who controls the science controls the truth
Science is also a way to investigate truth. But some truths do not want to be investigated. So people investigating wrong things, will not keep their jobs and lose any future opportunities. People that follow the protocols and limits are selected for the special projects. Like the 911 investigation.
Political bias
A lot of scientists have a political bias, and are very convinced that their political ideology or political goal is more important than everything else. Even more important than truthful science. So data is adjusted or manipulated. Conclusions are taken out of thin air. Like climate change or gender studies.
Anti-safety bias
A lot of new technology, or new medicine is ready to be sold. It is great stuff that might help a lot of people. But... is it actually safe.
Because the new technology is so appealing, a lot of scientists see it as progress, without considering any risks. Like Gen technology.
Science fiction bias
Some ideas seem so great for scientists that it is impossible for them to look at them critically. Do these ideas actually work? Are there any practical down-sides to them? Like going to Mars sounds great, until you look at how difficult it is to get back alive.