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[–]zyxzevn[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A CIA analyst who has a long experience of solving problems.
Her points also apply to science and corruption in science.
What can we learn?
These are the topics that she covers.

The streetlight effect
Trends are always about the past
Most things don't happen by chance
Exponential causality
Worst case doesn't mean it's unlikely
The probability of something occurring is independent from the consequences that that event may have, right?
Don't drone on with technical explanations and facts, use compelling stories and examples tot make the point you want to make.
They never run out of bullets
Emotions can kill
Construct and constantly revise your analytic landscapes
Know Your Thinking style
Cause-effect relationship: - Concrete Sequential (CS) - Abstract Random (AR) - Abstract Sequential (AS) - Concrete Random (CR)
Deploy Diversity of Thought (Organizations that allow for a lot of different ideas, have better outcomes, even when the dissenters are wrong)
Think Together from the Start
Respect Your Intuition