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[–]zyxzevn[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The vaccine/medicine companies are stating that it is not the vaccine, without a proper investigation. Because it would hurt sales otherwise. And their contracts with the governments even make it very difficult for the governments to blame them. Any scientists trying to counter the narrative, will lose their job and career.

Real experts know that auto-immunity problems can occur. Just like a peanut allergy. And besides that there are many other lesser known problems.

I think that the problem is that blood platelets cause dangerous blood-clots. Probably because they look a bit like viruses to the mRNA trained immune system. It was programmed to attack anything that spreads ACE-2 enzymes.

According to the "sake-oil sellers" , vaccines are always safe and working well, but not according to their victims.

The mRNA-treatment causes 200x more cardiac related deaths than the flu-vaccine. Which should raise a red flag for anyone, as it is used at a similar test-group. It gives about 10x to 25x more deaths in elderly homes, than Covid would do. Some of the deaths even survived covid, but not the mRNA.

UK&Canada: 460 dead, 243612 injuries link
US was 800+ dead.