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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I agree contagion is the loophole they've got. Where does one's right to oneself end and the protection of the crowd begin? Can I get an abortion with my body? Yes, if it affects no one else (besides the zygote). Can I walk around while radioactive (so to speak) with a contagion? This is where they've taken advantage of the dilemma.

If you're born with a crippling disease - is it my responsibility to take care of you or other precautions for you? No. But via a socialized systems I can. Everyone wants socialized medicine. This is the healthy taking care of the unhealthy. No one remains healthy forever. So it's fair enough. Though the USA is still not offering it as it's far too profitable.

If you're born with a terrible immune system - is it my responsibility to stay indoors, just in case, and lose my job, the economy, etc? Sorry, but FUCK NO. This is utterly absurd on every level. And they refuse to have proper tests and to use them on everyone - because they have an agenda to vaccinate everyone with their potentially harmful shit AND to track everyone against this new invisible terrorist threat that is our own bodies. And no one says anything about natural immunity.

Isolate the sick = quarantine.
Isolate the healthy = tyranny.