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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

33:15 you're completely wrong you're dead wrong you're badly wrong you're embarrassingly wrong don't spread fake

33:20 news because you undermine criticizing the world economic Forum when you pretend people who are its critics or

33:26 its secret supporters I mean frankly James Corbett has done this at times about uh Putin Putin's a secret

33:32 supporter WF no he's not you nitwit why do you think they're Waging War on him uh that makes you seem like a less

33:39 credible Source when you can't filter out that basic level of information until and I think James Corbett's one of

33:44 the best analysts out there but it's just people got to quit looking to the wef and who they it's like the commies

33:50 used to do this they take good credit for anybody who was popular of course doesn't mean everybody they took credit

33:55 for was actually a commie