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Sick elites re-writing history: Wagner never existed, this graveyard of war dead never existed. Mass desecration of Wagner graves
submitted 1 year ago by Site_rly_sux from
🚨🚨🚨 WHAT IS THE GOVERNMENT PLANNING? "Make preparations to evacuate this totally safe region" - false flag preparation underway 🚨🚨🚨
Deep state cancel crowd put this PATRIOT in jail for WRONGTHINK because they didn't like his blogging
submitted 1 year ago by Site_rly_sux from
Latest Psyop: Westoids want you to think that a 🇷🇺 agent and RT employee was responsible the Koran burning outside 🇹🇷 embassy - just because he was a nice guy who paid for the protest permit
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
President declares a "New World Order", and the sheeple have to pretend there's nothing concerning about that
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Wagner's GreyZone: Shoigu and Gerasmiov to resign over Crimea Bridge. The mercenary army complete their False Flag attack to remove scapegoat war leader
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Presidential asviser: More evidence emerging that Crimea Bridge attack was the work of the russia's own intelligence services
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
UNDENIABLE proof - the Elites are FLOODING a Christian country with refugees and they're ALL MILITARY AGED MEN
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Let's figure out exactly which nations attempted a coup in Ukraine in 2014.🧵
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
MSM finally admits child kidnap plot
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
If they didn't like living in a white nationalist ethnostate they would have done something about it. Read this🧵
Geography, chemistry, brainwashing - there's a new weekly class on the school curriculum this year: DEATH WORSHIP. All children will be told how great it is to die, by the billionaire yachting elites
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Deranged Cultural Marxists want this grandfather LOCKED UP for saying the wrong thing about "Dear Leader" Stalin
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
More evidence of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
FALSE FLAG TERROR: Tearing to shreds the elite's laughable narrative behind this false flag terror attack
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Deep state in the classroom: Teacher gets five year sentence for political incorrectness
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
False flag terror attack - Debunking the elite's lies
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Deep state overreach: lawmakers pass bills to END FREE MARKET for the Elites' phoney war in Ukraine
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Gov't adoption agency admits to MASS KIDNAPPING 1000s of BABIES for their own wicked ends!
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
World's most famous whistleblower tells of TORTURE in deep state prison for journalistic crimes
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Draft bill: Corrupt government wants the power to SHUT DOWN media outlets who don't follow the official narrative
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
"Lesser magic" / "Revelation of the method": Elites believe in telling you their plans "hidden in plain view" - if you don't stop it, you're in spiritual agreement w/ what's about to happen.
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
City councillor cancelled - seven year's jail sentence for wrongthink
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
So many suspicious fires in 2022. Even the sheeple are wondering why this government + media don't talk about it. We should be asking ourselves, why gov't agents keep starting fires in the homeland then blaming "accidents"?
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Documents reveal the secretive forces behind Europe's fascists
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Pedo Elites: Major world leader caught on film awkwardly groping a child, lifting his tiny clothing to kiss his stomach. Disgusting
submitted 2 years ago by Site_rly_sux from
Listen to the speech for which this artist was FINED by deepstate thought police