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The saidit admins are gae
submitted 2 years ago by yabbit from self.ConspiracyPhilosophy
WEF’s Great Reset: What Would a World Without Personal Property Look Like?
submitted 3 years ago by Stankmango from
this video will self-destruct in 2020 (probably) ~ reallygraceful
submitted 5 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Long MP3 on The Supranational Deep State
submitted 5 years ago by Robin from
Are you spinning in a limited hangout?
submitted 5 years ago by Tom_Bombadil from
Opposing Conspiracy Theories Gives You Enormous Ears
submitted 5 years ago by hennaojisan from
How The Internet Became A Battlefield - ReallyGraceful
submitted 5 years ago by DrStrangelove from
"The Dangerous Tribalism of the Ruling Class" by Black Pilled (2018-10-16) - A+++
"The Nature of Power" by Black Pilled (2018-11-30) - - Includes a critical analysis of the 2002 movie, Gangs Of New York, the ruling class and migrants.
"What is Your Price?" by Black Pilled (2018-12-08)
"Why They want to REPLACE YOU" by Black Pilled (2018-10-23)
"Freemasons and the Nazi Party - Joe Atwill" by Freeman Fly (2019-01-28) on YouTube
submitted 6 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Conspiracy dictionary : Overton window - a term describing what is perceived to be politically possible.
submitted 6 years ago by useless_aether from
Logic - It is not enough for the crowd to be aware of their enslavement. They must also be aware of the path to emancipation.
submitted 6 years ago by useless_aether from