🤡🤡🤡Boston has issued a permit for a ‘Straight Pride’ parade in August🤡🤡🤡(self)

when facts are just too inconvenient(i.imgur.com)

Damn white people and their....**SHUFFLES DECK** NICENESS!(i.imgur.com)

Soros-backed 'Bioethicist' Says People Who Refuse Corona Vacc. Should Lose Their Jobs or Be Imprisoned(humansarefree.com)

The Atlantic in April: "Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice" shaming people for being in the street. Today: shaming people for not being in the street.(theatlantic.com)

🤡🤡🤡 Twitter's "hashtag" is the latest symbol of "white supremacy" 🤡🤡🤡(self)
For those who say Cancel Culture Isn't Real, a museum curator was accused of being a white supremacist because he—get this—said that he would still curate *some* art created by white men. Totally inoffensive, yet he was branded a racist and forced out.(twitter.com)

Philadelphia Inquirer issues apology for denouncing arson (cont.)(self)

Remember kids, BLM is about systemic racism. The use of the word "comrades" tells you all you need to know about this organisation. The funny thing is BLM is pro Muslim, which is far more of a threat to their ideology then Western democracy.(i.imgur.com)

🤡🤡🤡 The Declaration of Independence is sexist, racist, prejudiced 🤡🤡🤡(self)

There but for the Grace of God(imgur.com)

Far Left Says DOGS Are Racist Because EVERYTHING Is About Racism(youtube.com)

Having White Children is Perpetuating White Supremacy(files.catbox.moe)

CNN "Fact Check" Confirms Joe Biden is a Dictator - Viva Frei Vlawg(youtube.com)

Babylon Bee PREDICTS the Future, BLM Rioters Nominated For the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE (Not Satire) - YouTube(youtube.com)

Western Civilization Has Surrendered to Barbarians(paulcraigroberts.org)

FBI shares anti-Semitic text 'Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion'(dailymail.co.uk)

Babylon Bee Prophecy Fulfilled(i.ruqqus.com)

Just as Christianity could only tolerate the old ways for so long, this new faith is increasing intolerant of the old normal ways of American society. It now exists to expunge every trace of civil life. This cult has declared total war on the rest of us.(thezman.com)

🤡🤡🤡 Israel Experiences Diversity 🤡🤡🤡(self)