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[–]Mnemonic 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Funny, but not accurate.

The murican and most known 'satanism' is from LaVey (The Satanic bible):

and where basically a counter culture against the hypocrisy of the Christians (The introduction in the Satanic bible (less then a page and it's a small book) sates clearly how and why the chruch of satan.) so basically Hedonistic Secularism with some song/dance/ritual for the fun and a large dose of ego stroking.

Then we get to 'Satan' as portrayed by Christians which took a BIG transformation over time, from the Arch-angel who wasn't to fond of humans, to the angel that asked edgy questions to Jesus in the desert to somehow THE RULER OF HELL AND THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!!!! hiss hiss. Not all the Christians (followers of the path of the Christ) were or are crazy like that though, but that's another talk....

How the 'old testament' got mixed up with the enlightenment of Jesus, authoritarians may know, but after some many years the roman empire came to take up the name of the followers of the Christ and watered it down/mixed it up even more than the early church fathers and again later we ended up with a Chruch who slaughtered (semi slaughtered, raping the women and children was also 'Christ like' to them )everyone who 'worshipped' something else. From this messy tradition came the naming Satanist and the sorts. If you as a stranger to the bible and the desert answer too many time with 'what?' when asked about Christ you and your tribe/familily were Satanists.

Some more murdering, burning (Hey Jean d'arc talked to god, but was burned anyway, sidenote, somehow she was a Satanist, but was she? These rumors made of her {probably friend zoned anyway] 'boy'friend a mass child murder to gain her nack from the after life because the Church told him stories how only the 'cruel satanists could do necromancy' Man, talking about backfired fake news. [as Necromancy, what it entails, is a no no as in not possible in most oral tradition religions/practices]

Okay this is getting long.

Satanism isn't a thing and never was until someone for power reasons wanted someone slaughtered. It's a brand victimized (by the church) religions sometimes take because Christ was cool and didn't slaughter what he did not understood, didn't even kill this Satan figure.

Aka Satanism, when defined by Christians usually represents a religion that (contrary to church led Christianity) does not kill/reject/despise other forms of religion because it usually involves a personal journey and the only dogma is a guiding instead of a law.

again, trying to come to a short conclusion about this meme...

What 'Church led Christians' define/brand Satanism is more akin to a tolerable religion in the eyes of atheists because it's a personal journey and you don't bother people with it unless you both agree to delve into it.

I guess the person who made this philosoraptor was triggered by the lack of atheist response to the baphometh statue, which really had nothing to do with any real religion except some Laveyian cringe larp.

Satanism is a Church invention, their lies inspired some fallen of their own path to think the ways the Church made up how 'Satanists are and work' were real practices.

More Modern: Satanism is a Chruch led Psyop, more claiming to be 'Satanist' are just 'Bros before church, because the church rapes children'.

For the people who still think SATAN is a scary thing, please read the new testament and stop when Jesus is gone, because then it goes 'Murican Satan panicy' real fast or watch this vid and be meditate on how it's not awful :