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[–]CosmicFarmPrisoner 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Since USA is now basically falling apart as a nation

The US fell apart as a nation years ago. Our country is an economic zone heading backwards into a more hellish version of the Victorian era. Factory towns, company money, work houses, and scabs are already here, and with globalists and transhumanism there will be no escape.

I saw the writing on the wall for white women this year, and am now in the middle of leaving for a part of Europe that ~fingers crossed~ has a decade or so left. Even before, I knew where the US was going, but I thought there'd be more time. The US is headed for violent conflict, definitely along ethnic lines. We all know what that means for women.


That so many women believe and invest in either political side really drives home to me how unusual it is for a woman to have a sense of dignity. Too many women get off on suffering. Well, they'll soon be living in a second world shithole with all that entails for women. I expect feminists will complain, maybe even attend a march, but they won't harm a hair on a single man's head and will rationalize their new restrictions as more empowering than the old Western ones. Check out s/ppf for a recent example of this featuring veiling!

A lot of the US (like where I live) has been second world for awhile, and most of the white women who can't afford a house elsewhere not only accept it, they defend it. All while still believing that our previous standard of living can come back. Maybe if we solve America's most pressing issue--white supremacists per the feds--her magic dirt will be recharged?


There will also be women trying to "live free" by joining way-off-the-grid communes/compounds. These usually (always?) descend into open polygamy, incest, and pedophilia, since that's what unfettered men do, and I can see American Taliban bro types making up most of these places' male populations.


There is no positive future for women in America or other western countries.

Where do you see a positive future for women? It seems to me like we're entering into a global dark age.


Another incoming fact of life for American women is the increasing percentage of us who are chronically ill. Following that, the increasing percentage of our children who are some flavor of not-so-bright or spazzy. There are already a lot of Gen A kids who by today's standards are normal, but by 90s standards are learning disabled.

[–]kt0998[S] 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I think you are doing the right thing to get out. If we talk about what places are best for women in the future, I think two things to look for is economic stability and racial homogeneity. Nordic countries other than Sweden are still good, I live in one of them, although the cultural left here is absolutely cancerous and would destroy everything good about our countries if given the chance. Avoid places like UK, France, Sweden, Germany, which have been “diversified” into places where women can’t safely walk in some urban areas and have rampant woke culture. Ex-communist Europe is a mixed bag, some like Poland are anti-abortion and misogynist, but others like Czech and the Baltics are nice and have been spared the woke madness and immigration from third world (this is where I would move if things get bad here). Some Asian countries are very safe as well like Japan where old grandmas walk alone at night in big cities with no problem, although these countries are sexist.

Most women are biologically submissive and this will never change. Conservative white women submit to their husbands and men in their community. Liberal white women submit to pimps, non-white men, trannies etc. I don’t have empathy left for these women, they will always reap what they sow. It’s crazy to see videos of BLM marches where black and white women are getting themselves beaten by men in the front lines while men are hiding behind them, or like the recent Capitol shooting of the Trump supporter woman – she was also in the front and shot by a man, with even male police officers behind her who didn’t do anything. If women want to die for causes that don’t benefit them, not my problem. Even without outright civil war USA will definitely become more unsafe and violent, with riots and gangs and I could definitely see a culture of men attacking “enemy” women and raping them to humiliate them, uploading videos online etc.

[–]CosmicFarmPrisoner 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

My criteria for areas to move to boiled down to two things: Is its population largely native? Does it still have a native working class?

It was the replacement of American agricultural/blue collar workers with immigrant/illegal labor and overseas industry that sealed our fate. It was the excuse to open the floodgates. That, and the white collar workers/professionals now rely on this cheap, exploitable labor along with low interest loans, and investment portfolios to pretend to be rich: rent-a-maids, pre-made food, yearly vacations, yearly wardrobes, multiple properties, a big primary residence, etc. If they tried to defy the government they would be going against everything that made their way of life possible.


Ex-communist Europe is a mixed bag, some like Poland are anti-abortion and misogynist…

I’m not moving to any of those places, but honestly I’m over the abortion issue, and everywhere I’ve been in Europe isn't any more misogynistic than the US. Abortion is no longer a personal issue for me anyways, as I'm sterile.

It's not that I have moral qualms about abortion; to me, humans aren't human beings until they are sapient, and forced organ donation is wrong. However, I don't see abortion provided by medical institutions staying accessible. The pro-choice side has always had weak arguments and inconsistent lines drawn. Women will need to learn how to perform them in private, or get comfortable with accidental and inexplicable infant & young child deaths going back up. Guess which course of action will be more popular.


Japan where old grandmas walk alone at night in big cities with no problem, although these countries are sexist.

Yes, public areas in Japan are safe for Japanese women. And yes, it's very sexist (and racist) and not as safe behind closed doors or neighborhoods as Westerners imagine. Unfortunately for Japanese women, their government has started immigration reform.

I spent some of my childhood in Japan, and I’m sad to see this happen. Living there was an ambivalent experience, but it gave me the experience of being an outsider in a first world, non-Western, homogeneous society. That, followed by moving to a diverse area, inoculated me against the ideologies that have infected so many American whites.


Most women are biologically submissive and this will never change…I don’t have empathy left for these women, they will always reap what they sow…

I’ve come to the realization that—barring some truly bad luck—people get what they deserve (or maybe earned is a better word?) in life. I don’t mean that in a moral sense, necessarily. I mean in an obvious cause and effect sense. If you don’t have the smarts to figure out your situation or the willpower to go against the grain, and instead check out or surround yourself with excuses and let fate overtake you, then oh well. It sucks to suck.