viewing revision from 4 years ago






<- Glossed And Profound, overview and related projects

<- /u/JasonCarswell/, subsaidits, posts, comments, wiki page, InfoGalactic projects


Restricted view only feed and wiki, for now.

/s/BittersweetSeeds + wiki + InfoGalactic BsS project

Restricted, view only, for now.

All Bittersweet Seeds and Trutherism 101_content, discussions, posts, comments, and images are copyright property of Jason Carswell and when they achieve financial sustainability with a growing fan base these projects will be open sourced. Though forks may come or go, _Glossed And Profound will always be the official original source, created-founded by Jason Carswell, for better and worse.

BsS Summary

This is an epic hard-science-fiction cautionary tale, screenplay, storyboard, graphic novel, and feature film project that will be published on this sub where it will be refined, developed, and evolve with public feedback.

I started writing this story in 2001, picking it up now and then. In 2007 much of the foundations were laid with intention. The goal: to make the most meaningful, revolutionary, and life impacting story possible. No small task, but falling short of greatness is still goodness. After much chaotic research and enough random notes to fill several large volumes, everything was flipped in early 2015 when I dived deep into countless layers of conspiracies to unmask trutherism. That became a different story. So after many attempts to start from scratch, this is the final proving ground.

This restricted subsaidit feed will be where evolving content will be published. There will be no feedback here, for now, to keep it simple and organized. Feedback and interactivity is very welcome and appreciated in /s/GlossedOver. All help is greatly needed and greatly appreciated.

BsS Overview

This overview list includes potential titles of posts that are also major task goals, information, creative content, etc. These will be text posts with content that may be updated, refined, and linked here as things develop.

  • Bittersweet Seeds: Project Overview, aka Table Of Contents
  • Glossed And Profound: Origin Story, aka Projects' History
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Project Status + To Do Lists
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Project Seeking Help / Creative Help
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Q: What's In A Name? A: Everything!
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Story Summary Variations [SPOILERS]:
    • Bittersweet Seeds: Logline / Elevator Pitch = 1 or 2 LINE plot summary
    • Bittersweet Seeds: Outline = 1 or 2 PARAGRAPH plot summary
    • Bittersweet Seeds: Synopsis = 1 or 2 PAGE plot summary
    • Bittersweet Seeds: Treatment = long form ~10 PAGE summary
    • Bittersweet Seeds: Novelette = A short story / novel, not in screenplay format, with details.
    • Bittersweet Seeds: Movie Script / Feature Screenplay = 90 to 120 PAGES = 90 to 120 minutes
    • - Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft - first pass, getting as much out as possible with micro revisions if any
    • - - Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Introduction - preparatory explanations
    • - - Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 1A
    • - - Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 1B
    • - - Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 2A
    • - - Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 2B
    • - - Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 3A
    • - - Bittersweet Seeds: Vomit Draft, Act 3B
    • - Bittersweet Seeds: First Draft - first draft, reasonably polished and refined
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Plot breakdowns, character arcs, and character backstories
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Our future world, in 2045 to 2050 give or take
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Creative Direction = unscripted detailed notes on filmmaking, cinematography, production design, colour schemes, themes, tone, pace, music, etc.
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Comparative References = inspirations and similarities in media, ideas, futurism, history, politics, physics, architecture, etc.
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Building 3D Sets
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Storyboards = rough composition and action
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Graphic Novel = finished illustrations for publication
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Board-O-Matic = a crude movie with very limited animation of the storyboards
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Fan fiction ?
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Pre-Production ?
  • Bittersweet Seeds: Social media promotion / interactivity / spread awareness / merchandise / raise support

BsS To Do List

  • revisit and finesse
  • -
  • -

revision by JasonCarswell— view source