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[–]PeakingPeachEater[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Here were my thoughts on the topic(copied & pasted):

He seems to be a MEBmale---Male exclusive bisexual male. It's the reverse of the common term seen---FEBfem(Female exclusive bisexual females).

He is attracted to both men and women, but purposely only(or mostly) seeks male relationships.

This article brings up interesting points in the bisexual community. Many STILL don't think bisexuality exists (like this bloke) and believe that they have to "choose a side" so to speak. I think as the B community, we need to focus on providing B specific resources.

Here's a couple of topics I posted previously:

1) " 'Bisexual' (men) is just a code for (insincere) gay man"

  • This shows the perspective of what bisexual men have to go through.

2) Should we take the "B" out of LGBT?

  • The YTuber talks about viewing the letters, L, G, B, and T more as a company or business(not individual), so when he mentions "LG" he means it as a brand and not people.

  • For the LGBT+™ he mentions that bisexuals are being erased and adopting the label "queer" and I believe he may have mentioned "pansexual", not sure if it's in his first or second video.

  • Lastly, he says we need to start making our OWN media/entertainment/etc. He mentions for example about there being no bisexual bars, WE are technically the majority in the LGBT™ but hardly make our own stuff and use the L & G's things.(Plus, I think it would be a nice way NOT to invade or intrude on either our lesbian friend's or gay friend's spaces that are for them---the TRAs are already giving them enough trouble).

3) Statistics: 8 Things you didn't know about the bisexual community

  • It's a bit of an older study, since 2014, but it mentions bisexuals are least like out of the LGBT to come out and a couple of other facts. I'll have to find and post a more updated one. The problem I ran into finding an updated statistic is that it lumped "queers" with bisexuals.

4) Among LGBT Americans, bisexuals stand out when it comes to identity, acceptance

  • More statistics taking about bisexuals hardly coming out about their sexual orientation.

Anywho, I do want to say the author's claim that "no one is born gay or straight, we're just 'human beings'" is ludicrous. You can't control being attracted to who you're attracted to. Not everyone is bisexual AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION IS NOT A CHOICE, that's just nonsense.

I'm sorry my lesbian sisters and gay brothers that you have idiots like him trying to claim he's something he is not.

I feel that as part of the B...we definitely have a shit ton of mess to fix and the TRAs are making it worse for us and I HATE that we get lumped in with them, it's depressing.

Edit: fixed link