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[–]Ardeet[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The pandemic has shown us that the Federal government has become an anachronism.

It's powers need to be severely curtailed and it's ability to raise revenue eliminated so the States can regain their independence and identity.

In 1901, Australia's Federation was more about the British Empire's growth than a new nation.


Imperial Federation was a proposal that the dominions – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Newfoundland – become self-governing entities within an international superstate.

And to make that servitude to the Empire work effectively it's easier to deal with one centralised power then numerous independent states. The Federal system served the British Empire at the expense of the Australian people.

Time's have changed and we no longer bow to Britain. Time to change the Federal government and return independence to the States.

It's fortunate, he [William Coleman, assoc Prof ANU] says, that Australia was not relying solely on a national government to deal with the "obviously conflicting" interests of the different regions during the pandemic.

The tyranny of distance creates tyrants in the distance.

Estranged bureaucrats in Canberra remotely divining the needs of distant communities only serves the Federal machine.

The more local the power the more power the locals have.