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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"INSIGHT"i dont really like to say some1 is smart or dumb,people have different Insight quality(i hope i translate it correct)some are born with the Insight to see nrs and multiple it with easy while others cant even do that same sum with a pen and paper.other have Insight in reading people while other have problems with that and fail to build frends/relations,Others have Insight in Survivng or not,Others have high Insight how other humans feel-so sympathize-other dont have that at all and become serial killers(e.g.)some have a high imagination other dont.Its proven that there are different IQ types(Art IQ/emotional IQ Gramatic IQ etc),some can natural calculate numbers amazingly,but are bad with emotions or reading other people,i prefer to see it as a born capability to See or Feel things or not-just INSIGHT imo,so you can be Smart/have High natural Insight in some stuf and have less insight in others thing(so what they would call less smart or dumb) i had a talk with mu uncle about this,because i felt(had the Insight)that he felt he was very smart,so i asked him"Is some1 how gets a good education from young age/so basicly learns stuf(like he/my Uncle),is that person smarter then some1 who did not went to school/diddent had the oppertunity(like me- i was send to boarding school at young age)te learn that same stuf,and he said YES.which i dont agree,if some1 is learn what a difficult word means or how to culculate a different sum,that dosnt makes him smarter,he just know it because they learn/told him-while the so called dumb person just never has been told/learned what that word means/or how to calculate that difficult sum.............well my very Smart Uncle that time living in Amsterdam heaving a Mercedes from the company a nice house with his wife...guess what...suddenly he decided that he was confused about himself/his life,so he left his wife/house/job went living in a room,tryed suicide ones-at a very DUMB maner(hanging him self with tie rips)so how smart is the dumbass really,HA.........(ps.pardon for any crapy gramatic English,i never had English lessons at BOARDING school)