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[–]tiny-brown-mug 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I hadn't even known that bots were that big of a problem (or even a thing) until someone pointed out Reddit. When browsing Reddit, I was always floored and baffled by how far, far left everyone seemed to be. I have never run into people that far left in real life. I've run into liberal college students and have had several gay co-workers, but nobody was this extreme. It was bizarre and kind of incredible.

Well, if most of Reddit is bots being let loose to spew hyper-liberal comments and upvote the living daylights out of the worst stuff out there, Reddit makes sense. Because even the left leaning people I know in real life are pretty moderate and reasonable. They're pro-lgb but leery of trans stuff. Or the ones who are ok with trans stuff seem to think that we shouldn't attempt to transition children.

No one is even remotely as extreme as your average Redditor. Not even close. But if 90% of it is bots, that makes sense.