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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I actually was briefly caught up in a joint FBI task force investigation once, they were going after a friend of a friend who was a meth cook. I guess they cast the net wide and were looking at everyone connected even though I had nothing to do with that. They got pretty much everyone too. Me and my friend just got followed around a bit by a 5 car tail!

They stopped at a gas station with us once. We pulled in and so do maybe three of the SUVs with the super dark tink. They don't even get out of their vehicles. And we're just sitting there, not wanting to get out of the car to fill up with them flanking us. Eventually I said fuck it, if they're going to arrest us, we're fucked anyways. Filled up the tank, and had them all just sit there till they followed us out again.

I got some practice trying to lose tails. The traffic here helps, even something as simple as an unexpected U-turn and it can be real hard to follow. But that's why they use multiple vehicles.

People usually don't believe that story, they think the FBI would never do all of the sloppy shit they did, they'd be watching us with sophisticated technology. CSI effect.