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[–]StillLessons 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Two things.

One, as highlighted in this video, EDUCATION is absolutely front and center as a destructive force in the west. The education system from K-Higher Education, top to bottom, got totally fucked up. The people "educating" the population are now dominantly insane. The use of language, exemplified in this video, long ago left reality behind in the effort to "demonstrate sophistication", which ends up being not sophisticated but obscure pedantic garbage. I feel for students like this girl being faced with the impossible task of translating stupidity when it is presented to them as wisdom.

Two, chemical destruction through the lie of "psychiatry". The percentage of the population that has now had their cognitive function effectively destroyed through prescription drugs is a tragedy. In their attempt to "control behavior" and create "happier people" through drug application, psychiatrists have not only failed, but created unmeasurable harm. Depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are through the roof. The majority now suffer from these conditions.

At a larger scale, this is the endpoint of industrial society. Treating humans as interchangeable parts viewed as useful only for their "contribution to the economy" leads to where we are now.

We MUST return to individual dignity and tolerance of individuality. If we don't, our populations will actually descend to zero. The trend has begun. It's unclear at this point if these processes are reversible.