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[–]FlippyKing 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

excellent quote about how the vices are repackaged as virtures, very "masonic" I suspect. I've heard too many Catholics today, claiming to be traditional, redefining capitalism and pretending its evils away while ranting about socialism. I'm sick of the lie that free enterprise and entrepreneurship are capitalism. The problem is totalitarianism, and it sucks if it's stalin, hitler, or if it is bezos or any of the robber barrons who built company towns and paid workers in "script" only spendable at the company's stores.

I think you misunderstand my point about land owners. Charity is commendable, but when the system prevents people from building a home when then need it were ever they can find a place to build it without being an imposition on others, then the charity perpetuates a bad system.

I consider myself an Christian Anarchist, I think Paul's line about obey authority is silly-- as silly as some of the things he said about women. Communism, especially upon the Marx-Bakunin, split is just stupid and unworkable. Bakunin was right about Marx's ideas and about the nature of any state. Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin and Mao have shown Bakunin to be right. I think people have to start re-organizing society at the local level, making resilient communities that reflect the needs of the people based on their means and their resources. So many articles about problems in the "supply chain" show how stupid it is to allow a bloated global oligarchy made up of pedophiles to govern how food and goods are accessed. God gave us free will, those who turned those vices into virtues mentioned above will gladly take it away-- very soon.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree wholeheartedly with your solution of re-organizing society at the local level, on a community basis. The communities for the communities, and yeah, some of them might not stand up, and they'll get gobbled by the same sorts of robber barons we've been dealing with for centuries. At least in this solution people actually have a voice, and their needs might get met, rather than waiting for some faraway series of committees to finish deliberating how they will deal with things.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

No ism is inherently evil. Capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism, etc., are not evil. They are all corporations. It is who directs them and uses them for their own agendas in opposition of the santification of grace and Mythical body of Christ. I just gave you a source above to show Libertarians how so wrong they are in regards to Capitalism and Free enterprise. They claim America Inc., in its original form was Capitalism and that Capitalism is good, as if isms can be good or evil; and I simply sourced that the US CORP is this:

I'm sure they've never read Puffendorf, Hobbes, etc., to understand that these people, this anti-Christ Capitalism ie., corporation, under a republic ie., Charter corporation is godless and masonic. Some Libertarians are men who reject God, refuse to pay taxes to the corporation whilst recieving all the benefits on tacit contract. They are mostly oblivious in regards to this voluntary contract, albeit an increasingly sad contract that is being subverted by those who control it. If Catholics controlled the corporation in duty to Him, not Marrano 'Jesuit Catholics'', then this contract wouldn't be so sad and loopholes wouldn't be this easy.

I've heard too many Catholics today, claiming to be traditional, redefining capitalism and pretending its evils away while ranting about socialism.

This is naturalist talk and the Church today has been subverted by Talmudics and Marranos. Supernaturalism is in opposition to all Judaeo-masonic naturalist structures.

I'm sick of the lie that free enterprise and entrepreneurship are capitalism. The problem is totalitarianism, and it sucks if it's stalin, hitler, or if it is bezos or any of the robber barrons who built company towns and paid workers in "script" only spendable at the company's stores.

Totalitarianism means full control over your personal life and labor. In this case, America Inc. is just a nu-age form of neo-Fascist totalitarianism on a private incorporated scale, mostly through tacit contracting.

I think you misunderstand my point about land owners. Charity is commendable, but when the system prevents people from building a home when then need it were ever they can find a place to build it without being an imposition on others, then the charity perpetuates a bad system.

Why not charity with property and home as a right to feed the nucleus, ie., your family. It is because finance has stolen our labor and more importantly our time to pray in this masonic naturalist world, where profit and usury are now the virtues of the land, that I can only see a future society where nobody has property or land, that they live for the profit of another who rejects God.

The first bussiness is money. Money should be used as a medium of exchange for the betterment of society and localities. Not for the profit of the FED and private corporations that would gladly buy up and privatise local land for 'bussiness' endeavours. All should be able to build their homes from their hands UNDER ALLODIAL TITLE whilst knowing that their duty is to serve Christ first. To aquire the money to do this would be easy under a Christian order rather than a Judaeo-masonic bank credit issuance order.

I consider myself an Christian Anarchist, I think Paul's line about obey authority is silly-- as silly as some of the things he said about women. Communism, especially upon the Marx-Bakunin, split is just stupid and unworkable. Bakunin was right about Marx's ideas and about the nature of any state. Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin and Mao have shown Bakunin to be right. I think people have to start re-organizing society at the local level, making resilient communities that reflect the needs of the people based on their means and their resources. So many articles about problems in the "supply chain" show how stupid it is to allow a bloated global oligarchy made up of pedophiles to govern how food and goods are accessed. God gave us free will, those who turned those vices into virtues mentioned above will gladly take it away-- very soon.

I consider myself a follower of Christ; no ism attached. I think you should consider yourself a Christian first and then think about the Church ala Pope XIII as a way to implement these measures that lead to meritocracy in duty to Christ and family.

I think Paul's line about obey authority is silly-- as silly as some of the things he said about women.

The times were different back then. Focus on Christ's words only, at least first. You can get a different perspective of how to follow Christ if you read only His words first. To obey authority is to obey by turning the other cheek. If authority uses you and you are paying blood money for those things that are anti-Christ and supporting death, destruction, murder, etc., then turn the other cheek and stop; for these things are against God. To obey those who follow God in humility is what Paul was refering to. If you do not want to perpetuate the FED system, stop using the FED's bank credits. It takes a personal relationship with God to change your ways and to revoke your contract with the Masonic naturalist order. If everyone thought this way and accepted Christ, especially those in authority, then the world would be differnet.

I think people have to start re-organizing society at the local level, making resilient communities that reflect the needs of the people based on their means and their resources. So many articles about problems in the "supply chain" show how stupid it is to allow a bloated global oligarchy made up of pedophiles to govern how food and goods are accessed. God gave us free will, those who turned those vices into virtues mentioned above will gladly take it away-- very soon.

Re-organizing at the local level for the betterment of the family. I agree with your last statements. "God" indeed "gave us free will and those who turned those vices into virtues mentioned above will gladly take it away-- very soon." They will take away the structures that were maintained in a Christian order to better the family. Hence, the WEF: "You'll own nothing, have no privacy and be happy." Y

[–]FlippyKing 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

capitalism, socialism, or anything of the things you mentioned are not corporations. They are not even variations on the same 'thing'. Capitalism is not really an economic system, it is a skimming off from the top of economic exchanges be means of controlling production through 'capital' by owning it. Socialism means something different to every socialist there is.

I agree about Christ's words first, and would add thoroughly. I've developed a new-found appreciation for the whole Bible (or as a whole), but for the longest time only the Gospels and the wisdom books interested me, along with some prophesies.

Yes, the mantra about 'you'll own nothing' is really ominous. It's not "we'll" own nothing. They'll own everything, they want you and me owning nothing and begging them to accept what we present as proof that we're worthy of life-- an idea I think Rahm Emanuel's brother has openly tossed around.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

They are. Every ism is a corporation on their books. Once you know it's on their books, then it makes sense. Don't worry about isms, worry about Christ first and how to preach the gospel to all. If authority followed Christ, then the family would prosper and local exchange would be simple rather than convoluted legalse.

I agree about Christ's words first, and would add thoroughly. I've developed a new-found appreciation for the whole Bible (or as a whole), but for the longest time only the Gospels and the wisdom books interested me, along with some prophesies.


Yes, the mantra about 'you'll own nothing' is really ominous. It's not "we'll" own nothing. They'll own everything, they want you and me owning nothing and begging them to accept what we present as proof that we're worthy of life-- an idea I think Rahm Emanuel's brother has openly tossed around.

Exactly. idea I think Rahm Emanuel's brother has openly tossed around.

Source for this? Was not his brother also part of Mossad?

[–]FlippyKing 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm sorry but "every -ism is a corporation on their books" sounds like an empty slogan. A corporation is an entity created on paper and granted personhood by Satan's necromancy under law. In what state is "socialism" incorporated?


Rahm's brother Ezekiel is a doctor and involved in bioethics. He thinks the Hippocratic oath is outdated. The idea of death panels which decide who is worthy of medical intervention is something he likes. The Corbett Report presents him very well here: Those who would rule over us in God's stead are now just openly evil.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

"Capitalism" is owning the MONETARY/CREDIT & STATUTORY POLICY production from which all corporations exist. Gerard Malynes, 1622.

[–]FlippyKing 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Interesting that he said that in 1622 because it seems to predict the finance industry where money itself is the commodity which seems to me like it created a layer above the capitalist class the old or very old left talked about.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When did the bank of England go live? The 1600's, correct. That is when they started to make money itself the commodity, at least in England.