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[–]StillLessons 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

As a relatively non-masculine while very comfortable with my maleness male, the point I was trying to make is not that all men think alike or that all women think alike. There are differences in perspective within any grouping. But even with that said, something about the manner in which TAM defined women struck me as something I have heard sometimes in male conversation (not among all males, but among some subsets), but never from females. Perhaps there exist some females that hold such rigid definitions of what "female" means that they would categorically exclude some with whom they share biology based on their behavior, but if that is the case, I have not met them. That's where my comment came from.

As I said above, I respect TAM for backing away from the original statement. It takes intelligence and strength of character to admit when we're wrong. Good on TAM for doing so.