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[–]PencilPusher55[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's not going to spread like crazy. Flu has vanished, didn't the CDC just stop counting entirely? Hospitals are not at full capacity, and even places like Australia have dropped the mask mandate. Everything in my town is shut down. Almost everything. NO ONE goes out without a mask, they even wear them while walking alone (You probably take pride in that, though). But guess what? Now there are even more shut downs and we have followed the rules and then some. Will it ever end?

To me, low IQ is wearing a mask in the car, in a store, everywhere - Having a 98%+ chance of surviving but lining up for a vaccine that has since killed people with seizures or paralyzed their face.

LOW IQ is championing lockdowns of small businesses, meanwhile complaining about big box corporations and their greed - while now spending all of your money there because the mom and pop shops are closed.

LOW IQ is letting 30 million people go out of work and not even stopping to ask why.