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[–]GConly 10 insightful - 4 fun10 insightful - 3 fun11 insightful - 4 fun -  (1 child)

In a few years there's going to be an epic food shortage in the MENA area. As it is they are buying in most lot of their food with oil money, most countries can't produce anything like to feed themselves. Saudi can grow about 10%.

All it takes is a couple of crappy global harvests to drive grain prices up, or a fail in their income for some reason and shit is really going to hit fan there. We are going to have a wave of starving Arabs swarming across the Med and through Turkey trying to get into Europe.

I'm talking tens of millions. The last migrant wave will seem like a trickle

The Med countries will suck it up briefly, but then borders will slam down as the numbers become intolerable and the migrants become aggressive.

The the young male Arabs, who are genuinely desperate, will pick up guns and try to force a way in. The Med states will start sinking boats. The Navy and armies of the Med countries will be deployed. They'll start demanding northern Europeans contribute men and resources to the border area. There might be a draft.

The media will be horrified. Resident Muslim populations in Europe will go apeshit, terrorism will spike. Indigenous tolerance will fail, nationalism will start hitting the mainstream politically and strict 'no illegals' policies will end up being enforced and long resident illegals will start to get turfed out as well. The SJWs will scream blue murder, but the silent majority will be motivated by self preservation and they'll be overruled.

Unable to get into Europe, a shit load of MENA refugees and military will start punching down into Africa, for lack of other options. I suspect Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and India will also close borders after a short time. It will be their only option.

Do we side with the Africans or Arabs? Do nothing? Shoot the boats in the water and risk getting nuked by Muslim countries? A safer path would be to tell them we'll turn a blind eye their invasion of Africa, as long as they stop their young men trying to swarm Europe.

China sure as hell won't be pleased with their holdings in Africa being threatened. They might send in troops.

Relocation to South America or east Asia from Europe around this time is probably going to be wise.

A total global collapse won't happen, but there will be a very nasty shitstorm with a lot of dead people.

[–]Jesus 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How many farmers are left? How many farmers are poor and on welfare but labor harder then most other people? 1/3rd of Americans producing for 2/3rds of Americans. That cannot last. All the government does is incentivize corporate agriculture which is just causing more disease and marginalized land. We need to transform the agriculture industry and incentivize farming in rural communities. But historically, neoliberals hate farmers.

We see billions of dollars being shelled into synthesized lab made food for a reason.