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[–]apoliticalinactivist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Just as a counterpoint, the reason governors need to shut things down again (and the first time) is exactly because congress isn't taking anymore action. Congress won't support the citizens with rent/mortgage forgiveness, health care assistance, mass testing, payroll protection, etc. or any of the basic stuff that would allow people to self quarantine for the long term. The president won't widely activate the Defense production act either, so we as people are pretty fucked right now.

If we can't afford to quarantine, then we are forced back to work in high risk conditions.

Also, masks are there to protect the immuno-compromised from you, not the other way around; they keep your germs to yourself.
Yes, most people will suffer mild symptoms, but 0.2% of 300million people is 600,000 people dead. It's the law of large numbers, will we die? probably not. Will someone we know die? Maybe. Is that still a ton of dead people? Yes.