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[–]FLCL 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Probably seasonal at Target when I was a kid. Had a crap manager that let the senior/full-time workers do whatever they wanted, and blamed me for the mistakes. The guy that worked the electronics desk before me would forget to hang the phone back up so the battery died, and he would leave the place a total mess. So then the manager would come up at the beginning of my shift when I was already swamped and give me shit for it. I also was in the electronics/toy section so that was an absolute nightmare during xmas time.

Good thing is that it gave me some empathy for retail workers. If my girlfriend or I decide we don't want something we don't just throw it on a random shelf, I walk that shit back to where we got it from.