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[–]Yamyam 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

White privilege is real. If you're white, just work in middle east, asia, and speak English. Asians are treated like shit sub-human slaves, they have to climb walls just to get the same opportunities at half being paid. Meanwhile, whites from the west working in middle east are being treated like people just for being white and having US or american passports and getting paid twice than what they earned in their home country. Going to asia and teaching english and getting paid handsomely. Those motherfuckers can't even teach grammar properly, since they aren't certified language teachers to begin with. They're getting paid because of their accents and western white look.

There's even essays, blogs dedicated on how to be an english language teacher in other countries.

Don't believe me? Just google it.

There's no cure, but you can be aware of that privilege and use it to better the playing field for anyone. People being paid shit in asia, now a foreigner comes with subpar english mastery with only their accents to boot gets paid more than local teachers will ever earn in a year.