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If I'm reading right, it sounds like the policy you're currently implementing as admins is to remove some (but not all? why some and not others?) stuff that's at the bottom two levels of the pyramid and to ban users who primarily post bottom-two-pyramid-level comments, except on IP2 which is given special treatment.

This seems different from what's stated in the ToS (emphasis added):

If a person is caught repeatedly dragging discussion in a downward direction on the Pyramid of Debate, they will be removed. If a person is caught repeatedly dragging the quality of discourse in an upward direction, they're highly valued!

When voting [...] think of the Pyramid of Debate and if the person you're voting on is moving discussion in an upward or downward direction on the pyramid.

When commenting or posting, think of the Pyramid of Debate, and if you are raising the level or lowering it.

These things all mention the direction, not the absolute level. It's confusing, consider what the actual policy is. Maybe you could clarify the ToS a bit so it's clear to new (and old) users what they should expect here and what kind of behavior is acceptable (and what is not)?