August: The Seventy-third month of cucking. ArcPOOCEL continues shilling for his failure (((POOlitician idol VivEK))) despite aiNCELs' “NO PaRtisANSHIP” policy. Single Lu-raised little worthless f&gg0t COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT spews claim that he is “Well-AdJuSTeD”! F&gg0tmovement reminds everyone that he faps to pmaf daily. Nonstop AlasKKKUNT91 ch1mpouts at Asians because the Lu bitch cannot function without one each fucking day. TosWORTHLESSFGGITKUCK will even crawl into SEVEN-YEAR OLD threads to mash the [remove] button! Delusional simp fggts claim they can “DepRoGraM” the Lu “laDEeeS”!
September: The Seventy-fourth month of cucking. No limit to arcPOOCEL's mental retardation, claims he “isN't” partisan if he shills for both parties! Any comment critical of the FAILURE NON-ASIAN POOLITICIAN (((Vivek))) is removed on sight by the head street-shitter. The reason why COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT is fucked in the head, he was raised by a single LU mother! To no one's surprise, the SCHIZO LU FUCKING BITCH AlasKKKUNT91 ch1mps and censors anything pro-AMXF. Cringe as fuck simp f&gg0t 'GinNTonic1' admits he PAYS TO WATCH pmaf LIVE!
October: The Seventy-fifth month of cucking. More worthless lies from arcPOOCELogy, claiming (((hw00d))) shut down KUCKtureMedia and not his backpedaling! As expected from Lu-controlled subs, the SCHIZOID RETARD FUCKING BITCH AlasKKKUNT91 silences any user calling out her mindless diarrhea. Reports of anti-Asian auto-removed cause aiNCELs “need mUH xm AllieSS God dAmmiT”. Fggt INCELnem spergs and silences r/ am users who dare expose his POOJEET master arcel.
November: The Seventy-sixth month of cucking. Archefeces incessantly shills for his FAILURE POOLITICIAN (((Vivek))) while the “QualiTy” of the sub drowns in the Ganges. More imaf troll f&gg0ts crawl in because what else would happen under poocel “maNaGemeNT”? Pathetic 24/7 censoring/butt-stalker simp f&gg0t COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT calls someone else “InCeL”! The aiNCELs confirmed to have no lives; spending Thanksgiving ch1mping out on reddit!
December: The Seventy-seventh month of cucking. R/ aiNCELs fucked for good, as CUCKASOID arcPOOCEL now silences anyone owning the SCHIZOID BANSHEE BRAIN-DAMAGED LU BITCH AlasKKKUNT91. Delusional POOCEL f&g archefeces claims the barren-wasteland called aiNCELs is “sTIll InFluENtiAL”! COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT proven to be fucking pathetic and worthless, using CHRISTMAS to sperg at AMXF! No limit to tosSHITSTAINCOCKLESSFGGTKUCK's retardation, claiming a 15 DAY OLD post is “RecEnt”! R/ aiNCELs fully exposed as a pathetic shithole, with every fucktard mod and simp shill fggit spending x-mas holiday ch1mping out on reddit! Literal waste of life (((flamer))) blk-blowing F&G 'Juuto' finally offs his cringe as fuck account!
January: The Seventy-eighth month of cucking. Fucking PATHETIC arcpoocel starts shilling for another POOlitician after crying for FAILURE (((vivEk))) a whole week. Cockroach “moD” f&gg0t tosCASTRATEDRETARDKUCK shits out worthless aiNCELs “suRvey” that includes poocels instead of actual Asians! User spends all the time and effort exposing racist studio only for tosWORTHLESSCASTRATEDFGGITKUCK to censor his post based only on the title! Worthless shitstain tosblkblowingfggitkuck admits users are on aiNCELs only ONCE EVERY WEEK now! Worthless as FUCK aiNCEL LUS, simps, and xm cockroaches use the first day of 2024 to ch1mp at AMXF instead of “mUh ActiviSMm”.
February: The Seventy-ninth month of cucking. Street-shitting fggit archefeces immediately shills for anti-Asian cuckasoid POOliticians the moment he crawls outta the septic tank. Worthless retard tosSHITSTAINCOCKLESSFGGTKUCK admits aiNCELs “ActiVISM” has ended in FAILURE! TosPATHETICKUCK now BUTT-STALKS users and bans them if they ever made fun of his “LU laDeeesSs”! Mindfucked eunuchs spew claim that demonrats “Aren'T tHe ProBleM”!
March: The Eightieth month of cucking. ArcPOOCEL whines about aiNCELs' “QuALiTy” after his worthless censorship and shilling of (((POOliticians)))! TosCASTRATEDRETARDKUCK betarages when user tells his fggt ass to do something about the pinkcel troll infestation. Not one, not two, but THREE FUCKING pmaf LUS allowed into aiNCELs thanks to the waste of life simp cockroach F&GG0T tosKUCK. Retard fucking cockroach simp f&gg0t anFGGTASSKUCK69 claims AM “MuSt GeT ALL da LU lAdEEees BacKk”!
April: The Eighty-first month of cucking. The poocel crawls outta his sewer claiming the long-dead KUCKTUREMedia is "StiLL ActiVE"! The xmaf porno enthusiast COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT spews claim that he will "RejeCt BaNANARANG Lus"! Pinkcel f&gg0ts keep getting approved by tosWORTHLESSCASTRATEDFGGITKUCK because "mUH pAgEViEwS”. Cringe f&gg0t 'GinNTonic1' claims "MuH pmaf LaDeEEeeEE DoeSn'T AcT LikE a LU, sO She isn'T One"! Pathetic as FUCK simp cancers claim the HolY Lu "isn't" STD-ridden, their “source”: "TrUsT Me DamiTt"!
May: The Eighty-second month of cucking. Archefeces confirmed to be a member of known poocel cope subreddits. Shit-obsessed f&gg0t purges his so-called “ActIvIsT” mods, proving once again that joining the aiNCELs-FGGITModTeam is the dumbest fucking decision one can make. Fucking laughable simp F&GG0T COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFGGITMOVEMENT claims he "wOn'T" take back Lus! Pinkcel trolls are once again protected by waste of life eunuch tosWORTHLESSCASTRATEDFGGITKUCK. F&gg0t r/ am “moD” 'blazingcuck16' outs himself as yet another pro-currycel shill f&gg0t of archefeces. WORTHLESS POOCEL FUCK KUCKCOCKROACHCURRYFGGITFORM IS FINALLY GONE, REST IN COW PISS!
June: The Eighty-third month of cucking. The turd-fondling f&gg0t arcel now claims reddit admins banned aiNCELs' contributors and not him! F&gg0t toscastratedretardkuck's most autistic lie yet, claims the aiNCEL mods are "TranSpareNT"! TosSHITSTAINCOCKLESSFGGTKUCK confirmed poster on the r/ asianamerican subreddit, proving once in for all that aiNCELs' only purpose is to be controlled opposition.
July: The Eighty-fourth month of cucking. To no one's surprise, the grifting shit-muncher arcPOOCEL crawls outta his septic tank just to shill for his F&GG0T ASS (((POOLITICIANS)))! The ANTI-ASIAN RETARDED LU BITCH AlasKKKUNT91 now crawls into the aiNCELs-FGGITModTeam sockpuppet to silence Lu-criticism and users making fun of her brain-damaged shitposts. Even more subversive xmaf LU KKKUNTs allowed right into aiNCELs because tosSHITSTAINCOCKLESSFGGTKUCK only exists to censor the fuck outta the sub 24/7 and jerk off each night to “mUH HolY LU”.
there doesn't seem to be anything here