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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A target commercial showing "diversity" just wait till you see the Asian part by kingZkazuma_ in aznidentity

[–]deseq [score hidden] 2 hours ago I think there are valid examples of tokenizing queer asians by Hollywood, as I've alluded to before. I just don't know if pointing out every example of gay asians in random ad campaigns or videos and using that as confirmation of that agenda is necessarily the best thing to go. Do we point out all the examples of straight asians in ads? Queer blacks? Queer latinx? How much of this is confirmation bias, if I go out looking for queer black people, queer white people, I don't think it'd be that hard to find? I'm a little concerned about the homophobic sentiment that singling out representation of queer asians can have. And the next day, Target comes out with a straight asian male in an ad (I think it has already had billboards of Asian men with white women in its stores too), we all suddenly celebrate? Is this really speaking to any larger issue or just a simple ad that happened to have gay or straight asians?

The fact that this beakednose little fggt creature is still allowed on cocklessbitch-id just shows how far they have fallen. Endless simp fggtry for "da LU". Endless (((sodomization))) by (((FGGTsiple888))) and this k1ke. Endless censorship since 2016. Endless ass-kissing to pinks, blks, poojeets, and all other XM. ai's existence is a complete fucking joke.