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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Something that definitely hits home on the Asian American experience. Glad that she shed the light on this subject. Thoughts? by justking010 in aznidentity

[–]deseq [score hidden] an hour ago But it is problematic to be frustrated at "BIPOC" just as it would be to be frustrated at "Stop Asian Hate" or "Black lives Matter". What problem do you have with addressing systemic injustices that happen to affect one group? Saying BIPOC does not somehow take away the fact that other POC exist, just as saying Stop Asian Hate somehow take away the fact that we should not hate other minorities, or that Black Lives Matter somehow means that other lives do not matter. It's a trick that they use to attack racial justice movements, when in reality they are simply against all racial justice period. Asians and all other groups must be allies of each other in the fight against white supremacy.

Something that definitely hits home on the Asian American experience. Glad that she shed the light on this subject. Thoughts? by justking010 in aznidentity

[–]deseq [score hidden] an hour ago People who complain about the "woke left", "virtue signaling", are dog-whistling to a racist right wing audience that abounds on Youtube. If we were to hypothetically live in the world she fantasizes about, we would never have had Stop Asian hate, we would never have had Shang Chi, we would never have had all the positive progress made on Asian representation, or any of the progress addressing systemic racism including against Asians...calling out black oppression or using the term BIPOC does not somehow take away awareness of oppression of asians. She even bristles at the term "POC", what she's really saying is that we should just be all race-blind and continue to live under a white supremacist status quo. Her failure to grasp the difference between equality and equity is just another example of how she remains a willing ally for the white-dominated status quo. She probably hates even being called Asian.

In an interview, CNBC reporter generalizes Chinese culture as misogynistic when asking U.S. Trade Rep. Katherine Tai if she fears "Chinese cultural norms" that she "won't be taken seriously as a woman leading the negotiations" by deseq in aznidentity

[–]deseq[S] [score hidden] 7 minutes ago "do you fear that because of Chinese cultural norms, that you won't be taken seriously as a woman leading the negotiations?"

Is this F@gg0t creature even capable of any normal activity and not (((24/7 subversion)))?