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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian-American U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy (Dem) calls Hamas “terrorists” and stands with Israel. Andrew Yang did the exact same and got widespread condemnation from Asian community leaders, celebrities, and Democrats. Will Murphy receive the same blowback? by deseq in aznidentity

[–]bigbadwolf66669 [score hidden] an hour ago She’s just another white supremacist in an Asian body.

[–]deseq[S] -4 points 10 hours ago She’s not a white supremacist and we should support her like we do other Asians in politics. Just using this to point out how horribly Yang was treated by our own.

[–]ffxvtfbcg [score hidden] 56 minutes ago are you a psy-op or troll? lmao wtf

John Cho claimed that "asian men...suffer more than asian women", criticized Hollywood's casting of gay asian actors, and said that Hollywood makes asian men "eunuchs in American cinema and television". Like Simu Liu, he was criticized as "MRAsian" and on the verge of cancellation. (self.aznidentity)

submitted 3 hours ago by deseq

[–]deseq[S] [score hidden] 38 minutes ago We need to avoid reductive labels that cast other asians as categorical enemies or "others", because the end game is to be pro-asian. They do that, that's why they're wrong, and we should set a good example. I don't know what to say about the "boba liberal" label, perhaps it is less identitarian and therefore less vulnerable to divisiveness.

[–]wyeess [score hidden] 24 minutes ago Boba liberal merely implies an AsAm's politics are insipid and superficial and palatable to the white and black liberal mainstream. Saying Asians are anti-black or misogynists is just straight up racism.

[–]deseq[S] [score hidden] 20 minutes ago I suppose "anti-black", "misogynist", "incel" are more personalized invectives, whereas "boba liberal" is more of a criticism on political views, that, if used sparingly, could be legitimate. Still think "chan" or "lu" fall into the first category though.

[–]Ending_Hate [score hidden] 50 minutes ago Everything John Cho is true. Didn't Celeste Ng, Jenn Fang and the crew cry to cancel him too. Jenn Fang is an obnoxious cunt she gets angry and outraged when an AM breathes the same oxygen as an AF.

[–]deseq[S] [score hidden] 46 minutes ago She is misguided and easily misled by others, but I would not say that she is actively nefarious. She is largely a follower who takes direction from the mainstream narratives. Her activism on asian feminism is positive, but due to her complete lack of leadership, she does not adequately address asian-american issues in a unified manner, leading to division in our community. For example, look at how she promoted "Blue Bayou" before doing a 180 upon release of a letter by an organization and joining the cancel crowd. This propensity to give little benefit of doubt to other asians is the problem with asian activism that she makes worse.

And the sodomization of the ai eunuchs continues because psy-op F@GG0TS like (((Beaknoseq))) are more important to streetshitterology than Asians.