Artifact has been revived by Valve, and is currently in a closed Beta. The game is being completely rebuilt from the ground up as a free-to-play card game. So far invites are only trickling out, so myself and many others have no way to play. I anticipate this sub will remain derelict until the game opens up and allows easy access once more.
That being said, I have very real concerns about the state of the game, largely because valve's team is taking feedback from reddit. There are core issues with the game that are routinely buried and "refuted" by the hivemind, buried by low effort memes and circle jerk threads congratulating the team on an unfinished job. Valve is an excellent company, but they aren't monolithic, and the faction building Artifact, in my eyes, still has a lot to prove. If I find the finished product to be a disappointment, I will delete this sub to allow actual fans to build a new community here. If it takes shape, expect regular tournaments and events here, as I sincerely believe this game could be a great fit with saidit. Heres to hoping the latter occurs, rather than the former.
there doesn't seem to be anything here